Ch.15 Demon Slayer in Training

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It's been about two days since the little mission; my mom has been more protective over me than usual. Even my dad has been a bit protective. He told Alucard that if I was going to learn to fight, he needed to know about it. I'm surprised by him and Alucard both. Especially Alucard.

"Hey Alu," I say finally getting a chance to talk to him. "Hello Taylor," he sighs. I kissed him and hugged him. Taken slightly aback, he smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist. Pulling me close and placing a kiss on my forehead. "It's official, I really have fallen in love with him." I thought hugging him tighter. "We're going to start your training this evening." He says. "What are we gonna do? Training wise," I ask. "Your aiming, self defense, the works." I nodded and laid my head on his broad chest. "Who's going to be my target." I say. "A low class demon that has been going around and terrorizing the neighborhood." I nod. "What are we waiting for then." I let go and went to get dressed into my training gear. He smirked and looked at me in amusement.

At the training grounds, in a small field in the woods, I mastered half of my vampiric abilities and how to use a gun. Like actually, full on, use a gun. "Man, don't I feel bad ass." I grin aiming my gun at the dummies heart and making it. "You're doing very well," Alucard agrees. "And I certainly did a great job selecting your gun. It suites you." He smirked. His arms crossed as he was leaning against an oak tree. "Heh. I think you may be ready for a real target." He chuckled, looking at me with a fire in his eyes. "Really?" I say excited. "Let's go!" I put the safety and stuff on my gun and put it up and loaded it to my dads car.

My dad had come to observe the training, or so he says. when really I don't think he trusts me. Or Alucard. One of the two. We hopped in and I sat in the back with Alucard. Dad frowned and started driving. I reached over for Alucards hand, placing my hand close to his. He smirked, reached over, grabbing it and giving a light squeeze. He picked up my hand and placed a kiss on my knuckles. Blushing I looked out the window and caught my dad shooting him glares. This is gonna be a long drive.

Pulling out my gun, I shot it in the head. It took about 29 minutes to track it. "This was too easy," I say a slight frown on my face. "Heh, it was. Wasn't it?" Alucard chuckled. Blood lust in his red eyes. "Want to find another demon to hunt, my draculina?" He purred and chuckled darkly. An insane look on his face. I looked around uneasily and found nothing else out of the ordinary besides the demon recently shot. Although, I thought I had caught a movement from the corner of my eye, but it was gone.

Sighing I put my gun up. Still slightly unnerved at the sudden peacefulness of the area. I put it in the trunk of the car and took a seat next to Alucard. I could feel his eyes fixed on me. I sighed yet again and leaned on him, putting my head on his shoulder and beginning to grow weary. Before I had fallen asleep I heard Alucard give a slight chuckle before pecking my forehead. Then it all went black.

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