Ch.10 Midnight Visit

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I was gazing at the ceiling whenever I heard a few taps at my window. I looked and saw a face I would never see again after the school incident. I smiled. Jumping out of bed and to the window. I opened it and saw that my sight wasn't fooling me. It was him, Alucard.
"Hey," I smiled. He smiled back and says, "may I come in?" I nodded and moved out of his way. He came in and looked around my dark room. I cross my arms and looked at him, "so what brings you here?" He brought his attention back to me. "Well, you see, my draculina." He says leaning in towards me. Towering over my small form. "You know how you said that you wanted to repay me for saving you a few times?" I nod. He smirked, "I know what you can do now." He chuckled, "well, what we can do."

"Oh? And what would that be," I say with curiosity. He leaned in, his face inches from mine. His breath tickling my face a bit and drawing me in. Why does it smell like things that shouldn't smell good together? Like mint and wine and a few other things. I closed my eyes and leaned in a little bit. He raised his hand to brush my cheek and brought me in.

His lips came close to mine and brushed. Grabbing me he took me to the bed and laid me down. "What are you..." He brought a finger to his lips and smirked. He laid down next to me and brought me close. "Why me?" I ask. He chuckled and leaned into my face. "You should get some sleep," he says softly. My eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep in the vampires arms.

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