Ch.6 Zombie Invasion

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Olivia and I exchanged glances and went into action. "Was it just me, or did I hear the shooter in the principals office?"
"It wasn't you," I say. "Someone shot him." She frowned. "Well shit." We opened the door and looked from left to right of the long hallway. It seemed empty until we heard foot steps and a gun cocking. "Shit,"  I thought. Quickly and quietly closing the door. I turned to Olivia, and I guess my face was paler than usual, because she went into action.

"Ok everyone!" She says. "We need to start barricading the door and any other possible entrance in the room." The guys nodded and started to help with moving the heavy desks and chairs in front of the door. "Now, we need to grab stuff to throw at him if he's able to open the door and get through!" She commands. I smile at her, "right!"

As we grab stuff to hit the shooter with, we started to hear moaning and groans. Olivia's brow furrowed and we looked through the little glass on the door and saw walking corpses. Otherwise known as zombies. We cursed and I thought a moment before grabbing one of my books that happened to be about accurate vampire lore. It was my fathers book whenever he was human and studying this stuff. Then he turned into a vampire and met my mom a long time later.
I looked through the pages and saw a zombie. I skimmed and found out that the proper name would be ghoul. And the only way of killing them would be through the heart or the head.

I look around the classroom. "Did anyone sneak a gun in that happened to be loaded?" A couple guys and girls exchanged glances and slowly rose their hands. Reaching over for their backs and retrieving them.

I gave them all a broad smile, "perfect." Olivia walked over and skimmed herself. "Huh," she says. "Awesome." I gave her a smile before telling everybody else what needed to be done.  A couple people were scared, some where excited. Especially the Walking Dead freaks.
"There is a catch," I say. "We can't just start shooting them anywhere. You have to shoot them specifically in the heart or the head." As that was said, Everyone heard a scream and loud growling coming two classes down then silence. "Or that happens." I say gesturing towards the sounds I heard. "Do I make myself clear?" Everyone nodded nervously. Olivia took a deep breath and exhaled.
"Let's do this and get the hell out of here."

Gunshots were being fired along with a set of low groans. Then maybe what I had thought to be the sound of blood possibly splattering the walls. We all exchanged nervous glances and went to the closet that had a little tunnel like path connected to the classroom behind us. We went four at a time and kept watch; making sure that no ghouls or anything of that nature came at us.

Once all of us were in the room, we saw a few dead bodies. Along with some blood splattering the walls. "What now?" One of the girls asked.
"Now," I say. "We need to work on getting out of here in one piece." Olivia nodded in agreement and we went towards the broken down door.

Looking around the hall I saw that the hallway was ghoul-free and motioned for everyone to start moving. And since this was the first floor we were on, it should be relatively easy. But, with the current situation we were in, it might take some time.

We started walking and had to step over the corpses of a few students and teachers before the door was down the hall. "This had been too easy," I murmur. I guess Olivia heard me since she nodded in agreement. Olivia was at the front as I took up the back. I began to hear footsteps from behind me. As, I look behind me I see the shooter. My eyes widened and I shouted, as loud as I could, "RUN!!" Hearing that, they bolted and I followed right behind them. The shooter started laughing maniacally and shot at my heels. Almost grazing them every time.

A louder gunshot took place. I whirled around and saw the man in red behind the shooter. The shooter collapsed as blood started to spill out onto the tile flooring. I looked at the man in red. "Thank you," I say. He smirked and says. "Why, you're welcome, little draculina." I couldn't help but stare. As I was staring, a petite girl with blonde hair walked up and looked between me and him. I looked at her for a second before looking at him. "You never told me your name." He gave a half smile, "you never asked." I walked towards him and said, "then I'm asking, what's your name?" He looked me in the eye. "Alucard."
"Well then, nice to meet you, Alucard. My name's Taylor."
"Taylor," he mused, flashing a half grin.  
The woman pipped up, "hello!"
I smiled at her, "hi."
"My name is Seras. It's nice to meet you!" She smiled. "You said your name was Taylor?"
"Yup that's me," I say.
She smiles and looks at Alucard.
I looked at him myself and felt a certain feeling draw me to him. "Hey, Alucard, is there anyway I can repay you for helping me twice?" I ask. Feeling like I owed him something. He smiled, "there may be." He gave it some thought. "But that will be for another time."

"Taylor!!" Olivia shouts.
Turning to look at her, I saw her holding the door open. Then I looked infront of me and saw that they were both gone. "What the hell..?" I ask myself.  "Taylor! Come on!" I turn towards her and run the rest of the distance. That was the last time I saw him for the rest of the week. Or so I thought.

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