Ch.2 Blood Buddies

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"Hey, Taylor!"
I turn to see Maggie running towards me with Olivia running close behind. "Hey," I smile. Still feeling strange after the dream.
        They were like me. Half-bloods, but they drank more blood than I did.
"Got any plans later?" Olivia said, her milk brown eyes staring me down, almost reading my thoughts. "I actually have homework and chores."
"Ok," she shrugged, "let me know when you're not busy."
"Alright," I smiled.
"Oh, and let me know if there's anything you wanna talk about." She turned to look me in the eye, and that's when I realized she had read my thoughts. Almost nothing can get past that girl with out her knowing.
"You got it," I couldn't help but smile.
"Ok well," Maggie sighed, "I guess we better get going."
We said our byes and went our separate ways.

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