Ch.11 Media News and Morning Troll

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I woke up to find that Alucard was surprisingly still there. I smiled and looked at him. "Why am I having feelings for someone I just met...?" I ask myself. Even though I can't help but feel like I've met him before. Like in a different time or something.

Shaking off the feeling I quietly squirmed out of his grasp and went down stairs to eat food. I got myself a bowl of cereal and apple juice as I channel surfed. The only thing that seemed to be on was the news. All the news channels were talking about the event happened at my school only a few days ago. Sighing I finished my cereal and went back upstairs after turning off the television.

I went into my room to see Alucard up and looking around it. I smiled a bit as my heart fluttered at the sight of him. Then I shook my head. "Snap out of it!" I thought. "You literally just met him about 7 or 6 weeks ago. This is no time to start having hopeless crushes!"

"Morning, Alucard," I say. Walking towards him then going to sit on my bed. He looked towards me and gave me his usual smirk. "Morning." I laughed a bit to myself. "I thought vampires slept in the day," I teased. "I though half-bloods had more vampiric abilities." He retorted. "Aww, the big bad vampire king got defensive." I teased more and giggled a bit. I guess that pissed him off. He pinned me to the bed with hell-fire in his eyes. Being in, well, me I obviously wasn't scared. So I just looked at him. He glared daggers at me and hissed, "mock me again and see what happens."


He gave a confused look and smirked. "Heh," he chuckled. "You're an interesting half-fledgling, Draculina." I smiled back not exactly sure what to make of that statement. "Thanks I guess...?" He chuckled again. "Others would be quacking in their shoes..." He says partially to himself.

I looked at the position we were in on the bed and blushed a deep red at the arrangement. Alucard had my hands pinned over the top of my head and I hadn't realized it. And on top of that he had somehow gotten between my legs. Along with our faces barely touching. "Well this is embarrassing." I think. Squirming out of his grip. "Umm, Alucard?"
"Could you get off of me, please?" I ask. He chuckled and leaned in closer. "Why?"
"Because you should...?"

His laugh was a low rumble that sent shivers down my spine. Even though I wasn't going to admit that to him. Unexpectedly, he plopped his body weight on my and nuzzled his nose into my neck. Wrapping his arms around my waist. I blushed and squirmed even more. "God damn it Alucard, you fucking troll!" I pushed at him. "You're too heavy!!" He laughed into my neck and bit down playfully. Now I'm starting to get flustered.

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