Ch.8 He's My What?!?

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The food was done and on the table. We remained silent the whole time. Giving each other occasional glances now and then. Once done, I uncomfortably sat my fork on the table and sat silently. I kept looking at the man. Who was he? How did he know my mom?

He would look at me occasionally too. Boring his eyes into my face and then looking at mom, then repeat. "So mom," I say. Trying to break the awkward silence. "Who is he?" Mom looked at me then him. Breathing in a somewhat sharp breath she turned to give her full attention to me. "Well, you see, Taylor," she began. Then looked towards him. "Do you wanna tell her?" He sighed and nodded before looking at me. "Well, Taylor." I looked at him. "I'm your dad," he said bluntly.

I was shocked. "My what!?" I say. A million questions popped into my head all at once. A void of mixed emotions started to build up inside me. I was beginning to feel lightheaded. "Excuse me," I say quickly before running to the bathroom. I closed the door and locked it. Putting my back to the door and sliding down it to the floor. My dad finally here after all these years. What should I say? What should I do? That last all I can think about.

Taking a deep breath, I got up and went to splash cold water on my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and watched the water drip off of my face before drying off. I went to the door and unlocked it. I opened it and went down stairs. Determined to get answers.

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