Ch.5 The Next Day in a Haze

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The day went on in a sort of blur. Like as if you're thoughts are somewhere else. It was pretty Trippy and the fact that people would give me occasional glances as if I was the new kid didn't help. Even Olivia asked if I was ok. Damn I must be pretty out of it.

I walked into the last class of the day which happened to be French. The actual teacher wasn't there, since we had a substitute. He was tall and was wearing all black and a red tie. His hair went to the middle of his back. It was long and black. When he turned to face the front, I thought he looked familiar. But knowing me, I wouldn't pay too much attention to the details. He started speaking and I started to zone out. Looking out the window and down to where the alley is and the path I'm going to have to take on my way home.

Then before I knew it, the alarms started to go off. That brought me back to reality. I looked around the class room and saw almost everyone panicking a bit. "There is a shooter in the school. This is not a drill. Repeat, this is not a drill." Then I heard a gunshot an the mic in the principals office went dead. Then laughter before it shut off. When I looked at the teacher, he wasn't there anymore.


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