Ch. 22 Battle Scars

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I made it to the house to see Seras running out towards me. I came to a halt and she saw me. "Taylor, where is Master? Is he alright?" I huffed a bit and said in a shaky breath, "He is fighting some priest named Alexander Anderson. And supposedly God brought him back to life? I don't know, it's a bit confusing." Seras gave a confused look. "Are you sure that's who he's fighting?" I looked her in the eyes; I could see the worry and fright all over her face. "I'm positive. And I came to tell you so we should probably hurry and go back."

Seras didn't waste any time as she made her way through the alley. I ran after her as fast as I could. "They are at the school entrance!" I shout after her. After hearing those words, she took off. "Damn it alu," I huffed, gritting my teeth and willing myself to go faster.

"Ah! Look, it's the other vampiric whore," the priest sneered. He looked and acted even more mad then when he was left. Along with Alucard, who had a wolf like grin on his face. I felt my stomach turn inside out and like I was going to puke. Feeling lightheaded I sat down and took cover as I watched the scene unfold before me. Seras sprinted towards Anderson and growled. Alucards smile turned even more malicious as he shot at the priest.

I stared with wide eyes. My palms were sweating and I was feeling faint. "Be careful, Alu."
I guess he was in my thoughts because he looked at me in the eyes. His face softening enough for me to see and notice. Then his gaze moved quickly back to the battle. I took a deep breath and then left. I felt awful for leaving but I knew that alucard didn't want me there. Plus I had a feeling that if I stayed any longer, I'd be a distraction.

I made it home to see my mom stepping out with terror on her face. My stomach sank. "Mom? What's wrong?" She started to cry. "They took him."

"Who took him?" I gripped her shoulders whenever I got close enough. "Those Beaty eyed, and sharp teeth.." whenever she said that I knew who it was. "Come mom let's get back inside, we shouldn't be out here." She nodded numbly

It's later in the evening and my mother and I were getting ready for bed. "Taylor, you should sleep in your own bed." My mother sighed. "No, not tonight." I say and look at her getting bed. She sighed and slipped in. Turning to her side, she imidiately fell asleep. My head head hit the pillow and my eyes got heavy. I closed my eyes and fell into a surprisingly calm sleep.

Haunted MaidenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora