Ch. 20 Transylvania

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The women were lined up by the soldiers. "Keep still, you whores!" A girl was shoved. "One more move, and I will not hesitate to end you." The girl whimpered and cowered back to the other scared girls. But one wasn't cowering. She was furios and filled with vengeance for her family and home. "What a gentlemen. Picking on young girls, your mother must be proud." She spat icily. He back handed her cheek. Her red hair got in her face as she chuckled. Her green eyes filled with fire. "Why you wench!" The soldier raised his sword. She closed her eyes and braised herself for the feeling of sword cutting through flesh. But nothing came.

"Sorry where are we going exactly?"
My mind had suddenly become foggy from a scene that played out in my mind. Too bad I didn't know where all these scenarios came from. "A vampire had wanted to meet me somewhere close by," he states. Looking over at me with concern in his eyes. "Taylor, you need to stay behind me when we encounter him."
His warning sent a shiver up my spine. I nodded and gripped his hand tighter.

Shocked at how she wasn't dead, she looked up at her savior. The soldier was shocked as well, and from what she understood, terrified. "M-my lord, Vladimir!" He knelt down on one knee and started to shiver. Her eyes widened for she knew who he was. A ruthless ruler usually bent on killing, not always one for showing mercy. She narrowed her eyes knowing full well that he was the cause of her parents death. "Well, if it isn't the great Vladimir Tepes," She spat. He narrowed her eyes down at her and she glared right back. Her green eyes sharp as daggers. His eyes lightened as if amused and he chuckled to himself slightly. "What's so amusing, my lord." She said. Somewhat confused yet angry. "You certainly are an interesting girl," his voice, to the firey red-head, turned out to be smoother than silk. Which caught her by surprise. He turned to the soldier with authority in his blue eyes. Then after giving him a good hard look he went walking about as he was. The girl watched him walk off, feeling furios but indebted to him. For he had, in a way, saved her life.

I blinked again. "What the hell?" I murmured to myself. Alucard looked down at me. I couldn't help but blush slightly in embarrassment. "Sorry, it's nothing." He had a skeptical look on his face but didn't really say anything about it.

We walked all the way to the school. As I observed the building I couldn't help but get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. There was a tall dark figure standing in front of the enterance. I could feel Alucard tense up beside me. "My angel, you need to go." I looked up at him in shock. "Why?" His eyes narrowed at the figure, "It's not safe for you at the moment." I looked from the looming figure back to Alucard. I narrowed my eyes, "no." He sent me a look but didn't say anything, which was a bit strange. We made it to the crosswalk to the entrance of the building.

The figure was a man. He had short red hair and blue eyes. He had glasses on and a priests robe. "Well," he says with a thick Scottish accent. "It's about time, vampire."

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