Ch.12 Black Shadows Down the Street

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Alucard had stayed in my room the whole day. Looking through my books and movies. I will admit it was strange seeing him much more calm than what he usually is. I sighed and looked out the window that was a few feet from my bed. It was now about 7:00 am and the sun was starting to rise from the east. I smiled at the view and looked at my backpack and remembered, regrettably, that they had still assigned homework even after what happened.

I sigh once again and looked at Alucard and caught him staring. "So, what are you thinking about?" I ask, mildly curios as to what was on his mind. He chuckled and looked away. "Don't you know?"

I looked at him blankly. "Do you really think I would ask if I didn't know," I chided. He smirked and gave me a look. I didn't know what it was but I didn't like it. Well, actually, I did. I just won't admit it. "What?" I asked. "You're a half-blood and you can't even read minds... Interesting."

I gave him a confused look and looked away and back to the window. Once I turned back to look at him, he was sitting on the edge of my bed and had me an intense look on his face. I jumped and almost fell back. Mostly because I hadn't heard him. He smirked yet again; Leaning in he looked me in the eyes.


"Yeah...?" I say. My voice almost at a whisper. "Have you ever thought about becoming a true creature of the night?" He asked me his face a mixture of seriousness and curiosity. His red eyes staring intently into my blue ones (or green... Can't remember/)•(\ ). "No I haven't," I answered. He remained silent and thought my answer over. He nodded and looked away, but remained sitting on my bed. I stared at him and wondered why he would ask me something like that.

"You're a half-blood and you can't even read minds.... Interesting."

"I'm a half-blood... But then again, I guess we do have some abilities." I thought concentrating on Alucard.
I leaned in a bit without realizing and squinted my eyes; furrowing my brows in concentration. Alucard turned to me and gave me a funny look. "What are you doing?" I ignored him and leaned in a bit more. But this time I put my index fingers and thumbs on each side of my head. Pressing them against my temple. He gave me an annoyed look and shuffled uncomfortably from his seat. Then a heard a smallish voice.

"What the hell is wrong with her right now?!"

It's Alucard. I listened more closely to make out more of what he was thinking. "She's being rather strange. Should a say something? No no. I shouldn't. Even though she does look ridiculous." I frowned. "I don't look that bad." He gave me a shocked expression. Then he flashed me his Cheshire Cat grin, "Impressive, for a half-blood." I gave him a pouty face then punched him in the arm. He chuckled and leaned over. Snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me close. I blushed a bit. "What are you-" I was interrupted by Alucards lips on mine. I blushed more and kissed back. Then I pulled away; he gave me a slightly longing look before turning to look out the window. He turned his attention to what was outside. I looked as well. Down the alley way I walk on my way from school, there was a shadow.

It's eyes were hellfire red like Alucards. It was skeleton like and had battered up skeletal wings. With long horns that curved at the edge. But it wasn't solid either. Alucard got up and left to get rid of the black shadow down the street.

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