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Keira's POV

I woke up to Charlie shaking me gently. I squinted my eyes open and glanced over at her. "Al just knocked on the door, we have to get up", Charlie whispered. I groaned softly, causing Charlie to giggle.  I slowly sat up and Charlie immediately leaned against me, resting her head on my shoulder.  I wrapped my arms around her in a lazy hug, before gently getting up, giving her a gentle tug "come on, let's get ready", I whispered to her.  "What about Mum and Ellie ?", Charlie asked, looking at the two in question, both fast asleep in bed, not a clue about what's going on around them.  "Let them sleep for a few extra minutes, Mum's getting old, she isn't as fit as we are, and Ellie, well she loves her sleep", I replied to Charlie who giggled at my comment about Lucy, before heading over to her suitcase and pulling out some clothes before racing into the bathroom before I could.  I sorted out my clothes for the day and then walked around to Lucy's side of the bed. 

I rubbed Lucy's shoulder gently, causing her to stir.  "You need to get up, we have to go to Trafalgar Square", I whispered, before pressing a kiss to her lips, making a smile appear.  Lucy carefully started to move, trying not to wake Ellie up, before looking over to Charlie's bed, looking surprised to see the bed empty.  "She's already up and getting changed", I whispered to Lucy who shook her head in disbelief, "is she feeling alright, it's not like her to be out of bed before me", Lucy muttered quietly. I chuckled at her reply, and watched as Charlie came out of the bathroom, slipping in before Lucy had the chance, but as I closed the door I spotted Lucy putting the back of her hand to Charlie's head and muttering "you are feeling a bit warm". I chuckled as I closed the door to get ready.

When I came out, Lucy quickly slipped in and soon enough the 3 of us were ready. I leaned down and settled Ellie against my chest, still fast asleep. I grabbed some clothes from her suitcase, and than gently lay her down on the bed to change her. Ellie grumbled as I changed her, but she didn't open her eyes. I picked her back up and she immediately fell back asleep against my chest.

As we all walked down to breakfast  Charlie spoke up "Mum guess what Kei said this morning ?", I turned to her shocked she was going to rat me out. Lucy raised an eyebrow at us both and replied "what ?". Charlie grinned and replied "I asked her if we were going to wake you and Ellie, and Kei said that we should give you a few minutes extra sleep because Ellie loves her sleep but she said that it's because you're old and not as fit as me and her that you need more sleep". Lucy turned to me with an unimpressed look on her face, "I'll get you back for that Kei, and we all know I'm the strongest of all of us", before opening the door to the dining hall where we were met by very little noise despite most of the team being inside.

"I'll get you two something", Lucy told me, nudging me towards a table.  I sat down next to Nikita, who's head was so close to falling into her breakfast. I gave Nikita a gentle nudge to make sure she stayed somewhat upright and she sent me a slight smile. Soon enough a plate was placed in front of me with a bowl of fruit and yogurt beside it. I glanced over to Lucy beside me, sending her a smile and than looked down to the toddler in my arms. I gently patted Ellie's back in order to wake her up, which slowly worked as she opened her eyes and looked around. "Morning baby girl", I quietly said, gaining a small smile, before I quickly showed her her breakfast to which she immediately tucked into, also allowing me to eat my own.

Soon enough it was time to head to a recovery session before heading to Trafalgar Square. I lifted Ellie off my lap and held her hand so we could walk to the gym, but she was having none of it. "Mama", Ellie whined, holding her hands up to me, wanting me to lift her up. I continued to hold out my hand for her to take, but she instead wrapped her arms around my legs. I sighed and gave up and lifted her up into my arms. She immediately fisted my shirt into her hand and cuddled into the crook of my neck. I rubbed my hand up and down her back as I walked quickly to catch up with the rest of the team.

When I entered the gym, it was the quietest it had ever been, there was no music playing or loud chatter, it looked like a totally different squad. I smiled over to Leah who was stood staring into space. "Feeling a bit rough are we ?", I gently asked Leah, who groaned softly and than looked at Ellie in my arms. "All good ?", Leah asked, still looking at Ellie. "I can say the terrible twos have started", I replied, continuing to comfort Ellie in my arms. "Oh dear", Leah sighed, before we both looked around the gym at the team quietly working out. "We can take it in turns holding her, if you don't think she'll go down when you need to put her down", Leah said to me, I smiled over and thanked her, before we sat down and started rolling out our muscles.

During our recovery session, Ellie slowly started to relax a little and played on the floor next to me.  Charlie was hanging off the pull up bar chatting quietly to G.  Lucy was off doing a light weights session with Mary. Soon a staff member told us to head to the bus to go to Trafalgar Square. I stood up and immediately felt two little hands wrap around my legs. I chuckled softly and looked to of course see Ellie looking back up at me, hands immediately reaching up. I lifted her up and settled her on my hip, before holding out my hand for Charlie who had joined me at the end of the session. I pulled her up and she kept a hold of my hand as we walked out the doors of the gym. 

As we walked to the bus I felt a hand place itself on my lower back, immediately recognising it was Lucy's as I turned my head to confirm my suspicions.  Lucy smiled widely at me before giving Charlie a nudge, who looked up at her and shook her head at Lucys silent request to hold my hand.  Lucy frowned at Charlie's reaction, as Charlie just smirked up at her.  Lucy stayed behind us for another minute before smiling brightly as she started to tickle Charlie, who shrieked and squealed as she tried to escape Lucy without letting go of my hand. 

Quickly Charlie admitted defeat and let go of my hand.  Lucy instantly took a hold of my hand just as we reached the bus.  We let Charlie go up first and she chose seats near the back of the bus.  When we were sat down Charlie plonked herself onto Lucys lap.  Lucy groaned slightly at the sudden weight on her before letting Charlie get comfortable.  "When we get to Trafalgar Square, where will me and Ellie go ?", Charlie asked, looking at me and Lucy.  Lucy smiled and replied "Mum and Soph are going to meet us there and Mum was thinking of bringing you guys out to eat to have a break, but if you want to stay, I'm sure Soph will stay, it's just Ellie won't do well with all the noise even with her ear defenders, we all know how much she isn't a big fan of big crowds, what do you think ?", just as the bus pulled off to Trafalgar Square.  "I think I want to go for lunch, I'm hungry", Charlie replied, just as a staff member made her their way down the aisle with plastic bags with food in them. 

"Lunch everyone", they called out.  Charlie giggled as Lucy grabbed two bags for us.  I opened mine and took out the sandwich, breaking a piece off for Ellie to munch on.  "She seems a bit clingy today", Lucy quietly spoke to me, as Charlie looked through the packed lunch bags.  "Yeah, I said to Leah earlier that the terrible twos have definitely arrived, she cried every time I went to put her down, I think she could just be overtired", I replied as I combed my fingers through Ellie's hair as she sucked on her dummy, that Leah had grabbed from our room earlier.  "She'll be ok when we get home, it's the tournament I reckon", Lucy replied, before turning and snagging the bag of crisps away from Charlie, "don't even think of having them, you're going out to lunch with Mum and Soph, they're not yours".  Charlie just giggled and continued rooting through the lunch, under Lucy's watchful eyes this time.


Updates might be a bit slow I'm currently having a writers block with both books.  Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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