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Let me know what you think, still having a bit of writers block for this story 😊

Charlie's POV:

Once the bus had pulled up to Trafalgar Square, I looked out the window to see crowds of people waving flags, and banners. "Mum and Soph are waiting near the back for you two", Mum told me as I hopped off her lap and stood in the aisle.  I nodded as I followed Keira down off the bus with Mum following right behind us.  As we turned the corner I instantly spotted Nana and looked up at Mum for confirmation I could race over.  Mum grinned and off I sped.  "Nana!!", I squealed as if I hadn't seen her in years when it had been less than 24hours ago.  As Nana let me down so I could hug Auntie Soph, I heard Mum and Keira behind me.  "She's a bit clingy today", I heard Kei say to Nana as she passed Ellie over to Nana.  Thankfully Ellie didn't make too much of a fuss.  Mum gave me a hug and kiss before quietly saying "behave yourself Charlie", "when have I ever misbehaved Mum", I cheekily replied back.  Mum just scoffed and ruffled my hair, as Keira gave me a quick hug and kiss before they were off.  I turned to Nana and asked "where we off to ?", Nana smiled, as Soph leaned over to give Ellie a hug, before replying "thought we'd go a nice cafe just off the square, it's called St George".  I nodded my head and reached out to take Nana's hand as we started to head away from the square.  As we manoeuvred through the crowds everyone started screaming as the team were called onto the stage.  Nana and Auntie Soph steered us through the crowds and away from the square.  I looked up to Ellie crying into Nana's chest.  Ellie hated big crowds especially without Mum or Keira.  Once we were back on the main footpath, Ellie started to calm down.  I took Auntie Soph's hand and we walked just ahead of Nana and Ellie.  I soon spotted the cafe we were going to, it was quite hard to miss it. We walked in the door and were ushered to a table after Nana gave her name, they even had a high chair for Ellie. We sat down and I immediately picked up the menu, spotting they had French toast. I turned to Auntie Soph and she asked me "what was your favourite moment of the tournament ?". I thought about it for a minute before replying "probably being able to spend it as a family, especially after Mum said she's going to Barca". "Just because Mum is going to Barcelona doesn't mean you're not a family Charlie, it'll just be a little bit different", Nana piped up, with Auntie Soph agreeing with a nod of the head. Quickly enough a waiter came over and took our orders, me and Ellie both getting French toast and orange juice.

Once our food arrived we all tucked in immediately.  I giggled as Nana had to keep catching Ellie's hand before she dipped it into the maple syrup.  Ellie caught onto my laughter and giggled too, as Nana moved the maple syrup out of her reach.  Nana just shook her head at the both of us. 

As I sat back against my chair stuffed from my lunch, I looked around the cafe and as I spotted someone familiar I gasped.  Auntie Soph immediately turned to me and asked "what's wrong Charlie ?".  I gulped and turned around to Nana "Can we go soon ?".  Nana and Auntie Soph both looked at me curiously, "what's going on Charlie ?", Nana asked gently.  "There's someone here that I don't like and I don't want them to come over here", I explained quietly, quickly glancing around again and sucking in a breath, as they spotted me and started to get up from their seat to come over.  Nana turned around to see who it was and sighed.  "Soph, will you grab the bill", Nana instructed Soph, before gently picking Ellie up and out of her high chair, and settling her on her hip, before pulling out her chair and standing up, immediately holding out her hand for me to take, which I instantly did, just as the person reached us. 

"Diane, lovely to see you again, it's been a while, and I see you're here with the lovely Charlotte and the baby", Gillian spoke up, plastering a smile across her face.  "Gillian", Nana curtly said, before continuing "we've to head".  Nana tried to steer us to the door, where I spotted Auntie Soph waiting for us having paid the bill.  I looked to Soph, discreetly holding out my hand for her to come over and take. Soph made eye contact with me and indicated for me to come over to her, but I shook my head, clutching tightly onto Nana's hand. Nana rubbed her thumb over my hand and then tried to lead me away before Gillian could continue. "I'll get in touch with Lucy to arrange our next catch up", Gillian piped up, stopping me in my tracks before I turned around and frowned at her, "I don't want to go anywhere with you, I'm staying with my mums", I spoke up before turning back around as the tears threatened to spill.

Soph must have come over when I was turned around because when I turned back around she was in front of me. "You're my granddaughter too", I heard Gillian mutter as Soph leaned down and lifted me up "let's go", Soph muttered, as we both left the cafe, with Nana right behind us. When we were out of the cafe, tears started falling down my face. Auntie Soph immediately tried to comfort me, but I just wanted Mum. "I want Mum", I choked out as I cried. I looked to see Ellie also in tears, Nana trying to comfort her too, I wondered what Ellie wa a upset about.

Nana led us back to the Square where the celebrations were in full swing with Rach singing 'River Deep Mountain High'.  I looked at Nana from my place in Soph's arms.  I wondered how we would get to Mum and Kei now.  "We'll go to the back, where it'll be quieter", Nana muttered to Soph.  We walked to behind the stage where Nana explained who we were and they let us backstage.  There was some benches where Nana and Soph sat down with me and Ellie on their laps.  Ellie was in floods of tears, obviously still upset with whatever happened earlier and then on top of that the crowds and the loud noises of the crowds.  My tears were still falling but not as much as they had been.  "Mama", Ellie cried against Nana's chest who still tried to comfort her.  I leaned against Auntie Soph's shoulder and mumbled "I want Mum".

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