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The world around Jungkook seemed to blur as he regained consciousness, his senses slowly returning to him in a fog of confusion and disorientation. The darkness enveloping him was suffocating, the air thick with a crushing weight pressing against his chest, making it difficult to breathe. As he tried to make sense of his surroundings, he abruptly realized he was in a moving vehicle.

Panic surged through him like a tidal wave as he attempted to move, only to find his hands bound together, rendering him helpless. Fear clawed at his insides, an instinctual urge to fight, to flee, but deep down, he knew resistance was futile.

Still, he desperately struggled against his bonds, trying to move frantically. He wasn't alone in the carriage; other figures loomed in the twilight, their silent presence adding to the ominous atmosphere. The young man heard a sob to his right, causing him to momentarily stop moving.

Memories flooded back in a torrent, the events leading up to this moment playing out in his mind like a nightmare from which he couldn't awaken. The altercation on the street, the brutal assault by the masked men, the feeling of helplessness as he was forcibly dragged away - it all seemed surreal.

The person next to him - a man - seemed emotionally distraught. Yet Jungkook wasn't any better. As well as he could in the darkness, he scrutinized the man. His hands, like his own, were bound together, but his eyes were also blindfolded.

Tears streaked his cheeks, piercing Jungkook's heart. Something similar must have happened to him. He was cruelly torn away from his life. Torn away from...

Someone who meant something to him.


The mere mention of his name pierced him, a deep-rooted pain threatening to consume him entirely. With each passing second, he was further pulled away from the one person who meant more to him than anything else in the world.

He still couldn't grasp it.

The realization hit him like a physical blow, his heart constricting with a pain so intense it robbed him of breath. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving Taehyung behind, never seeing his face again, never hearing his voice, never feeling his touch. The mere thought was unbearable, unfathomable - and yet, here he was, hurtling towards an uncertain fate, powerless to stop it.

Where would they take him? Jungkook had heard stories about what happened to homosexual people. Supposedly, they were taken to prisons or labor camps where they were either cruelly tortured or killed. He had dismissed all of that as a rumor. A story told to children to keep them from doing anything against the law.

But the thought that this might soon no longer be just a nightmare made Jungkook tremble.

Laboriously, he tried to reach the small window above him. His body ached.

As the vehicle continued to rumble on, the landscape outside blurred into a haze of indistinct shapes and shadows, the passing scenery a cruel reminder of the life he left behind.

He needed to calm down first.

In the silence of the moving vehicle, only the rhythmic hum of the engine for company, Jungkook allowed himself a moment of quiet reflection. His thoughts drifted back to Taehyung, to the countless moments they had spent together, to the laughter, the tears, the whispered promises of eternity. Each memory was a bittersweet reminder of what he had to lose, a testament to the depth of his love for the man who held his heart in his hands.

And so, as tears welled in his eyes and his chest constricted with an overwhelming sense of grief, Jungkook made a silent vow to himself - a promise forged in the depths of his despair, a beacon of hope in the darkness threatening to consume him.

"No matter what happens," he whispered into the void, his voice barely a whisper against the roar of the engine. "I will find my way back to you, Taehyung. We will be together again, I swear."

With this solemn oath, hanging in the air like a prayer, Jungkook closed his eyes and surrendered to the darkness, his heart heavy with the weight of his unspoken words, his thoughts consumed by the one person who mattered most.

"I love you," he whispered into the silence. "I love you. I love you. I love you." His voice began to break. "I just wish I could say it to your face one more time. Please."

Then he let the pain and the darkness take over. And felt nothing anymore."

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