But I still want you...

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1967 - 36 years later

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Taehyung sat in his car, the gentle glow of the radio casting shadows on his face as he listened to the voice of the news anchor filling the silence of the vehicle. The words overwhelmed him like a bittersweet melody, carrying a sense of hope and longing that tugged at his heart.

With a heavy sigh, Taehyung looked at his hands, the lines and wrinkles etched into his skin bearing witness to the passage of time. Each fold told a story, a tale of a life lived and a lost love, memories of which lingered like ghosts in the depths of his mind.

As the announcer spoke of the repeal of laws banning homosexuality, Taehyung felt a wave of emotions rising within him, threatening to overwhelm his fragile composure. It was a significant event, a milestone in the fight for equality and acceptance, but for Taehyung, it was so much more.

His thoughts inevitably drifted to Jungkook, the man he had searched for for years, the love that had eluded him for so long. In a world where their love was once deemed forbidden, where they were forced to hide their true selves behind a facade of conformity, the news of this historic turnaround brought a glimmer of hope - hope for a future where they could be together openly and without fear.

"If only you were here with me," Taehyung whispered into the silence of the car, his voice barely more than a whisper. The pain in his chest was tangible, a physical manifestation of the longing that consumed him, the yearning for a love that had never faded despite the passage of time.

The numerous attempts to find him. All had ended only in bitter disappointment. He had often wondered why it had to be them. Why? They had so many plans. So many wishes. Everything had to end just because of one thing. Because they loved each other.

His life without him seemed like a black and white film. Without color. All those years. The war. His time as a soldier. All of it had faded him. Taehyung had to watch as his friends had children. Yet he never married. The small hope that he could hold Jungkook- his Jungkook- in his arms again someday was the only thing giving him hope.

His body may have grown weaker with age, his once youthful beauty now just a distant memory, but the fire of longing burning within him had not been extinguished. It blazed bright and wild, a beacon of hope in the darkness, a reminder of the love he had never given up on, even in the face of adversity.

And as the radio continued to play, filling the car with the soft strains of a familiar song, Taehyung closed his eyes and let himself be swept away by the music, his heart swelling with a mixture of sorrow and joy.

"Oh Jungkook. " He whispered. "It hurts so much."

✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩


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