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:: "Woah, everyone looks amazing!" hyunjin smiled  in enthusiasm as he looked at the males infront of him whom were rocking their desired outfit. "You look amazing too, hyunjin." Jisung smiled. His face serious and his voice calm and gentle. This was the first time as he was usually mean and energetic when it comes to this kind of scenario.

"Woah, is this a new side im seeing? jisung being kind? thats a first." Seungmin teased him and chuckled. "Maybe its because your full of sarcasm and you cant do the same as what im doing because even if you tried your still an asshole right? thats why your teasing me?" jisung laughed and went out first, followed by minho and felix. "Come on, dont be salty just because I told you the truth!" Seungmin replied in a teasing tone.

"Stop fighting for once. Lets get our breakfast and plan on what to do for winterbreak alright? we cant be having a form of break up friendships right now." Chan spoke in a serious tone. He was the last to leave the house after hyunjin so he could lock the doors and check if everythings neat and secure before finally shutting the lights off and then just locking it really secure.

The rest watched as he got into his car and waited till everyone was on their own. Except the ones who didnt brought their own. "What? what are you guys staring at?"

"Nothing! You just look very.. serious! its funny" Felix laughed. Getting in the car he shares with jisung and supposedly changbin but changbin was nowhere to be seen so it was just the three of them now with jeongin.

The car chan was using only has enough for two people. Minho was the one that entered chan's but chan was expecting hyunjin. "You sure you dont wanna ride here, hyunjin?" He asks. Hyunjin gave him a warm smile before giving a response. "Its okay! I'll just go with seungmin!" He smiles and goes where seungmin was waiting outside the car. Holding the door for hyunjin like a gentleman.

He got inside and soon, they were on their way to the planned destination to where they'll be eating. The ride there was long but nonetheless they enjoyed it. Some talked through the phone since they cant talk to each other in person because if they did just by the window and the two cars beside each other, they wont hear one another and the cars could lead to an accident so they avoided doing that.

"Seungmin, is it true that your really sarcastic? Sorry for asking, im just really curious." Hyunjin chuckled lightly. "Of course, im a sarcastic person. I may be serious but lets be real, I can still cope and act like jisung or felix or even both of them combined if im having a blast."

"Not a lot of people think like that about sarcastic people. Maybe you could change that?" Seungmin looked at hyunjin who was slightly shocked by what seungmin were telling him. " 'Course, no judgement here! i really do like your personality seungmin! And your jokes are really funny if I say so myself. " He laughs.

Seungmin chuckled back and opened the window for fresh air. Since they were still on their way down to the main road, the air wasnt very polluted. It smelled amazing and the view were top tier. Currently their still somewhat in the forest but they followed the car leading them out and it was chans.

"its so pretty in here! the vibe makes me very calm and relaxed."

"You wanna sleep or something? You can switch to the backseat, I dont mind. I'll open the windows so you can still feel some fresh air. "

"Really? thanks seungmin!"

"Hold on ill stop the car for a second."

"But, you'd get lost around here if you stop now? chan is the only one that knows the way out!"

"Really? only one? no way. I also know the way so its no worries."

As they talked, seungmin parked at the side of the road and waited till hyunjin got off and onto the backseat. "Theres a blanket underneath if your cold. Theres also a pillow that came with the blanket so, enjoy your sleep, princess." Seungmin smiled.

"Really? a princess now?" Hyunjin laughed as he got the things out and finally, layed down. Seungmin rolled down the windows here and there so the air could still enter the car even if he was in the backseat. All four windows were open so it could get really cold but trust me, I felt this before and it was very calming. "Thank you, seungmin! Can you please wake me up once we arrive?"

"Of course. Sleep tight." He started the car again and soon enough, he managed to catch up with the others who stopped somewhere when they realized seungmin wasnt following them anymore. And with those time spent, hyunjin was just sleeping peacefully and comfortably wrapped in the blanket. Seungmin made sure to drive safely because, one wrong move and hyunjin will fall.

It took 3 stops at a gas station, 1 stop on drive thru in mcdonalds while hyunjin was asleep all the way before they could even arrive to the actual place theyll be eating in.

They parked at a lonely parking lot all together after going inside the place and then going out after receiving their orders. Since the park was actually lonely like alone lonely, they ate outside all together. "I still cant believe hyunjin slept through all that"
seungmin said. Eating his food. They all ordered the same. 3 Pancakes with nutella as the spread and some add-ons.

"What were you guys doing anyway that took us long to uh, arrive here?" hyunjin asked, smiling. He was sitting on his own coat since he didnt wanna dirty his pants and ate peacefully like a child. Some nutella getting on the side of his lips.

"Well, a lot happened but its not important!" felix laughed it off as he finished his second pancake as if they didnt stop at Mcdonalds to eat. "We should decide on where to go now for this winter break. I mean, we cant be wasting precious time just at everybodys house you know." Minho suggested.

"I put a list on what we should be deciding on!" Jisung announced, taking his phone out as the others looked at him and waited for him to reveal what was written in the list. "Okay first, we take a rent a yacht and challenge ourselves to stay at the yacht in the middle of the ocean for 3 days! second-" jisung got cut off by jeongin, saying; "first of all, im already going with your plan on that damn yacht. Second of all, i dont know if theyll agree." he said, shrugging right after.

"I mean, if someone agrees ill agree too." Seungmin chimes in. "Same!" felix raised his hand, looking at the others for the same response.

"Im fine with the idea too as long as we aren't surrounded by sharks" hyunjin spoke, finishing his second pancake.

Minho, and chan just blankly looked at each other and agreed with them but they still called changbin to know if he wanted to come or not.

RING - ! RING - ! ~Chris is calling.

"hello?" changbin asks, on the otherside of the phone. The genuine greet was enough for chan to know his expression behind the screen. "Hey bro, Just calling if you wanna come with us for winter break? you can take yuqi with you if you want. We dont mind." Chan announced. Waiting for a response.

"Where exactly are we going? im with yuqi right now so its good." Changbin replies. Chan heard a muffled voice behind the screen and figured it was yuqi. "Well, were staying at a yacht for like what again?" Chan looks at jisung and jisung signals him 3. "3 days. You guys wanna tag in?" he continues. " 'Course bro! when exactly?"

"Probably like, tomorrow I guess? after breakfast. Meet up at the dorms at like 9. Sounds chill?"

"Yeah, 'course. We'll be there."

"Alright, see ya'" Chan hangs the phone and hids it in his pocket. "He said he'll come with us but his taking yuqi." he announces.

"Wont that make it a little awkward or uncomfortable for yuqi though? I mean were all boys and theres only one female." Seungmin said, genuine question. "Not really, yuqi really doesnt mind. She literally ships a guy to a guy and a girl to a girl. Shes loyal to changbin and I think theyll just be staying at the room their given once were on the yacht."

"Of course we got like a boys-lover coming with us. Honestly think it would be so fun, I just imagine if ever something actually happens id be soooo happy, specifically with somebody." Jeongin said, looking at hyunjin who had just finished all of his pancakes and was giving the lunchbox looking plate to seungmin because seungmin agreed to take all of their trash to the trashcan across the street.

"Oh stop it jeongin. You have no hope just shut the fuck up."

"Piss on a stick, minhoe. Just because you were the first doesnt mean I wont have the chances!"

"Keep yapping, im sure that'll get you somewhere."

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