𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝑋𝑋𝐼𝑉

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After going on some rides with the rest of the guys, we decided to go get something to eat.

There was this burger booth that Blake wanted to go to. Everyone didn't seem to mind so we decided to go to said burger booth.

Everyone ordered their orders meanwhile I looked for a table for us.

I told my order to Tanner so he could order for me.

I made my way to this small table that had four seats around it. I sat down at one of the seats and went on my phone while I waited for them to come sit as well.


After a few minutes, I was joined by Larry and Grunk in the table. I put away my phone and we just chatted for a bit, Grunk sometimes whining about how long the food is taking. I told him to be patient and polite. He just rolled his eyes at me.

Then, finally, our food arrived.

Everyone dug in and there was a comfortable silence among the group.

As we all finished up, I gathered all of the trash to throw it away. My hand got wet from some type of red sauce with some bits in it. I gagged as I looked at it.

"Hold on-" Blake said, quickly taking a napkin and wiping it off of my hand. I smiled as a thank you to him and quickly headed off to throw the trash away.

I heard a bunch of 'oooooooo's behind my back which made me laugh lightly.

I didn't see what they meant by it, really. So I just mainly ignored it.

I came back to the group and we got our stuff and headed to go ride more rides.

There was this particular ride I wanted to go to where you sit in some sort of pod and after a few seconds it just starts going up and down while doing circles.

Larry said that he will sit it out since he can't handle being dizzy. Everyone else came with me.

The limit on one pod was four people, but since there was six of us, we split into two groups of three.

Group one was me, Blake and Nick while the other group was Isaac, Tanner and Grunk.

Larry also agreed to film it since he wanted to be useful too.

Everyone agreed and we got on the ride.

The worker there started counting down from five, but on three, the ride started.

It wasn't such a scare to be honest, it mainly caught me off guard. But soon, I couldn't even tell which way the ride was going.

There were a bunch of screams being heard, but our pod pod was just filled with complaints. It was either 'too slow' or 'too fast'.

The one who complained the most was Blake. He also seemed to sit very uncomfortable in the seat.

"Bro I can't even sit stra-"

"SHUT UP!!" Me and Nick yelled in unison.

Blake just laughed in response.

The ride went on for a few minutes before eventually it came to a stop.

Everyone got off and they mostly seemed dizzy.

"Yeah no thank god i didn't go on, I would've thrown up immediately." Larry laughed at everyone.

I held on to this pole next to me and closed my eyes, waiting untill I didn't feel as dizzy anymore. Once I felt fine, I opened my eyes just joined the group.

"So how was it??" Larry asked.

There were a bunch of mixed answers, but most of them were positive. Only Blake had something negative to say.

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