Twenty Fifth Meow - Daffodils

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The place was quiet, yet soothing with the presence of a rose gold music box playing by the background

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The place was quiet, yet soothing with the presence of a rose gold music box playing by the background. There were also honey colored daffodils placed in a cutely knitted basket by the burnt sienna colored window sill. What made the lively flowers even prettier were the company of the fluffy white clouds and clear blue sky outside the window.

Aegir was busy pouting to himself as he sat by a gold colored lounge just inches away from the window. His pink lips puckered and brows crumpled like a child who didn't get what they wanted.

He was a little sad that Anthony couldn't be with him because he needs to enroll for the incoming school year. It was just yesterday that they finished their first mission. Just getting reminded of how painful it was getting his leg broken like that made him place his hand on his leg and gently caressing it. He even started to berate himself for being a little too careless.

If he could just decide on what to do, he wants to rest from fighting for a week but unfortunately they can't. They're scheduled to do another mission again tomorrow that's why he's here—in a certain blacksmith and magic tool creator's home to get the pair of gauntlets Artemisia commissioned just for him. Since he usually fights with his physical strength coated with his mana, a magical tool to stabilize his mana is much needed.

He also heard that the magic mirror and the communication device were all made by the same blacksmith.

Aegir sighed. He missed his master. It's the first time that they'll be far from each other. Maybe, he'll ask Anthony how human phones work so he can still call him.

"What's taking that other man anyways? " He was referring to the first customer who entered the blacksmith's workroom. "I want to finish things soon so I can go home early. " His gaze went to the tall gold clock beside the table where the music box was placed.

Aegir was also worried about the two kittens who were left again in their home.

Aegir heard the sound of the bell ringing and a slow creak coming from the door leading to this room; indicating that there's a new visitor. He didn't spare a glance and continued eyeing the blacksmith's workshop's door; hoping that the person before him would leave soon. He tapped his foot as impatience washed over him.

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