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"How about this, you tell me how to make pigeons fly up, and I teach you how to play the violin? But I'm still learning, so I can only teach you the simplest ones." Qin Qingzhu said a little embarrassed.

Wen Qing's eyes lit up again.

Seeing the young man regaining his energy, Qin Qingzhu quietly breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason, he just didn't want to disappoint the boy. As long as the boy was happy, he felt very happy.

"I'll open the piano case so that you can take a look at the structure of the violin and learn some basic knowledge." Qin Qingzhu said as he stood up to open the piano case.

Wen Qing pressed his hand nervously and said uneasily: "Don't let it go now. This is a square. If someone bumps into it, such an expensive piano..."

The moment his hand fell, Qin Qingzhu felt an electric current pass from the contact between the two people's skin, and passed to his heart. In his mind, he uncontrollably recalled the scene he saw in the teacher's dormitory a few days ago. .

Out of nowhere, he said, "Otherwise, when my driver comes to pick me up, will you come with me to my house to see me?" Seeing that the other party was still hesitating, he added, "Are you worried about Teacher Yang? Tonight He's staying overnight, so he shouldn't know, right? Besides, you're not doing anything bad by going to my house to watch the piano. It just so happens that I still have a few exercises that I don't know how to do, and I want to ask you."

It was probably the last sentence that impressed the other person. The young man nodded, pursed his lips and looked up at him, with deep dimples appearing on his cheeks: "Okay. Thank you."

The smile was very shy, a bit shy, and with the slightly exposed little tiger teeth, it looked even more childish and cute.

Qin Qingzhu's heart beat faster.

"Host, the target's favorability towards you is now 20." The system doesn't understand. It's obviously just a simple feed to the pigeons, and at most a painless conversation, how come the favorability has doubled? In fact, it wants to know more, why does the host waste mental energy to attract pigeons?

"Don't you know that when you first make friends, you have to chat and get to know each other's basic situation?" Wen Qing said slowly, "If I'm just an ordinary person with no highlights, do you think Qin Qingzhu's personality will make him better?" How long does it take to notice me and become a buddy with me? Attracting pigeons is just an attempt. If this doesn't work, I will naturally change my ways to show my difference in front of him. Of course, this result is my best now. happy."

"Qin Qingzhu asked you to teach him how to feed pigeons." System 001 said.

"Little demon, don't be so rigid. That's what he said. Do you think he still mentioned pigeons after I agreed to go to his house?"

...What the hell is the little demon?

Wen Qing got his wish and went to Qin's house with Qin Qingzhu.

The Qin family is a well-known wealthy family in the local area, not a wealthy family, but their food, clothing, housing and transportation are obviously much higher than those of ordinary people.

Qin Qingzhu has his own practice room, which contains not only his special violin but also a piano.

Wen Qing's eyes lit up when he saw that these were all legendary ancient musical instruments from Earth.

It seems that it is not a rumor that General Wei Feng studied the ancient culture of the Earth before he fell into coma. Otherwise, how could these things appear in the conscious world so vividly? You know, in the interstellar era, except for the violin and cello, which were barely handed down, most of the other ancient musical instruments have been lost.

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