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Qin Qingzhu was a little disappointed. Of course you have to like someone to fall in love. Who would find someone they hate?

"What are the specific requirements? For example, height, weight, occupation, personality, hobbies, etc." He asked.

Wen Qing thought for a long time: "Those things don't matter. As long as my father likes it and she doesn't go too far, that's fine."

So the first lying talk session ended with Qin Qingzhu's defeat.

Because no matter what Yang Jinhai likes, it can't be Qin Qingzhu, at least the gender is wrong.

"Host, why didn't you say you like Qin Qingzhu?" The system really couldn't understand. Wen Qingming knew the purpose of Qin Qingzhu's question, but he pretended to be confused.

"It's not that time yet. His favorability can't be raised by just a few good words from me. Too many hints can easily lead to bad things. Don't worry, he came here specifically for the scholarship. Even if I say I don't care, how could he take it lightly? Let it go." Wen Qing explained patiently, "The fact that the other party can squeeze out my scholarship shows that there is no shortage of connections. This matter is not over yet."

Sure enough, after the list of scholarships for this batch was released, because some students were exposed to have engaged in puppy love and other violations of school rules, the list changed and the scholarships were delayed.

Wen Qing turned a deaf ear to the news. Some classmates even encouraged him to go to the department leader, but he didn't respond.

At noon, Wen Qing came out of the library and planned to go to the cafeteria to eat something before continuing to read.

"Host, someone is coming, and the target is you." The system suddenly spoke.

Wen Qing looked up and saw a slender girl with light makeup on her face. She could be called a beauty.

"Shi Lu, the girl from the department next door is here to confess her love to you." 001 reminded.

"Really? It seems that those people finally figured out how to deal with me, but they made me wait for several days. It's really frustrating." Wen Qing said.

Due to the scholarship list, the entire school was strictly controlling love matters at this time. Those who were already in pairs were forced to go underground, and those who were originally interested in pursuing them began to wait and see.

At this point, if you commit a crime against the odds, who would believe that there is no conspiracy?

"Little demon, please pass me Shi Lu's information."

"Host, wait a moment...the original data has been obtained and the transmission was successful."

Shi Lu is good-looking and has been pursued by many people since she entered college. She is smart and does not settle down in a hurry. Instead, she plays ambiguous games with those people half-heartedly and half-heartedly, and gets some material things from time to time.

This time someone asked her to pursue Yang Ming on the condition of buying her a noble bag that she had longed for.

It's not really a pursuit, as long as you can successfully confess your love or take photos of kissing, you can get paid.

Shi Lu saw the photo and saw that he was a handsome boy, more handsome than those suitors, so he immediately agreed.

With such high-quality looks, it's fun even just for fun, not to mention the rewards.

As for why her employer hired her to do this, she didn't care.

"Yang Ming!" She waved her jade hands lightly, with a charming smile on her face.

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