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When Xing Jie and Wen Qing were confronting Police Xing at the Xing family, Shi Jia was not idle either.

He actually doesn't love Police Officer Xing that much. The first reason why he wanted to snatch this man was because he was a future movie king and his golden thighs behind him were very strong and could give him enough help. Secondly, who told Police Officer Xing to be Ai Qingqing's boyfriend?

He would definitely snatch away anything belonging to that bitch Ai Qingqing.

Let that person have bad luck all his life and die with nothing. Only in that way can he be considered the punishment for having suffered nearly twenty years in the Shi family.

After getting the paternity test report, Shi Jia has been waiting for the right opportunity. Having the opportunity in his previous life, he believed that he would not have to wait too long for this opportunity. Whenever he thought about what Ai Qingqing would become in the future, and how his death would be much worse than his last life, he couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

After getting up in the morning, Shi Jia knew that Police Officer Xing had something to go home for. Unexpectedly, Shi Jia didn't say much, but drove away immediately after the other party left the small villa.

He has an appointment with someone else today.

Coincidentally, based on the memory of his previous life, he knew that Police Officer Xing later participated in a big-budget film. That film cost hundreds of millions of dollars and was directed by Karl, a famous super director from Country M!

He is a person that the big stars of country M usually line up to please.

Before that, no one thought that Karl would accept the invitation from Country C, let alone that he would boldly use people from Country C!

The arrogance and arrogance of the people of Country M are well known to the world, especially a super director like Carl whose fame and wealth have reached the peak. He will not pay attention to actors from Country C at all, right?

The most important thing is that the male protagonist in the film turns out to be Police Officer Xing!

It was that film that established Police Officer Xing's status as the best actor and made him famous all the way in his subsequent stardom. His fame continued to rise, reaching a level that others could only look up to.

Although it is not clear what exactly attracted Carl, it may be that Xing really made great efforts to recruit this internationally well-known director. In short, no matter what happens this time, Shi Jia plans to find an opportunity to see if he can get some benefits for himself!

The most ideal ending is to hold the glory of Police Xing in his previous life in his own hands.

In his opinion, Police Officer Xing's acting skills were just that. If rated out of ten, he could probably reach six or seven. Even if there is progress in the future, he still has not reached the height where he can win the best actor.

In this case, he can defeat many opponents and become the leading actor in that blockbuster movie, why can't he himself?

So what if the Xing family paved the way for Police Officer Xing? As long as he can get a role of sufficient importance in it, he will be confident that he can surpass Police Xing and make the audience's attention fall on him.

If Police Officer Xing can do it, so can he!

Originally, Shi Jia wanted to wait until the relationship with Police Officer Xing stabilized for a while, and then wait until Mr. Xing really invited Carl over before taking action. But he didn't expect that when he went to the street yesterday, he saw Karl!

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