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As far as the current situation is concerned, there are good sides and bad sides.

The good thing is that Inishel has the memories of the previous worlds. No matter what other people or vampires do, this lover must be Wen Qing's staunchest ally, the kind who can trust him with his life and will never betray him.

The bad side is that the two of them are now in a huge whirlpool. If they are not careful, they may be torn to pieces by the whirlpool.

Wen Qing is regarded by the people of the Priests Guild as a symbol of the return of the God of Light and the hope of mankind. Whether he wants to be this hope or not, he has been placed in this position by others.

Inishel is the ancestor of vampires. He must be the most powerful one and has a certain say among vampires. However, judging from the way this man hides his face, he must not have disclosed his true identity to other vampires.

This is understandable. After all, he slept for so many years, sleeping until almost all vampires had forgotten his existence. At this time, he suddenly woke up and ran out. Who knows what his descendants were thinking?

Maybe there are many vampires secretly trying to suck up all his blood to improve his level.

"Do you know much about your true identity?" Wen Qing asked.

"No one knows but you," the man replied.

Perhaps it is because there is only one prince left in existence, and the most powerful vampire level these vampires can see is only high-level, so they regard the man as a prince, and no one thinks of anything else.

But this cannot always exist.

"What if you meet other princes, will your secret be revealed?" Wen Qing asked worriedly.

After all, there is still one living sane person.

"It doesn't exist anymore," Inishel said.

Of course, he couldn't leave such a big hole for himself. The first thing he did after waking up was to find Prince Dean and kill that guy with his own hands.

"The other princes who were sleeping were also killed by me." The man added. He had no intention of not taking advantage of others' danger. He only knew that if he wanted to do something, he should do it immediately.

"Why?" Wen Qing was stunned.

"The power to suppress the vampires is too powerful for today's humans." The man said.

"..." Wen Qing didn't expect to get this answer. It is said that man himself is the ancestor of vampires. The more powerful the vampire race, the happier he should be.

"Have you ever heard of the word balance?" the man explained. "Any species and any cycle must have balance. If a vampire is too powerful, it will accelerate the extinction of the population."

Wen Qing remembered that he had read in a book in some world that there was a small island where people liked an animal called deer, and in order to survive, they killed all the wolves that eat deer. As a result, the deer herds reproduced too fast and had no natural enemies, so they could not even run. The most important thing is that they have eaten all the edible food on the island, and the population is facing the risk of extinction.

In the end, people reintroduced the wolf species to maintain the balance.

He told the story to the man.

"Yes. The same goes for the Vampires. Once the God of Light abandons this place, humankind's strength will become visibly smaller. If the Vampires are not contained, both races will inevitably perish."

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