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The man retracted his hand and crossed his arms in front of his chest, not knowing what he was thinking.

"My surname is Hei, and my name is Hei Hanqiong. What's your name?" Wen Qing asked again. No matter what, it's fair to ask for some information first.

No wonder the system didn't show up when I woke up. It turned out that the debris was nearby.

Xiaoyao has experienced two worlds with him, and he is indeed much more comfortable in using his abilities, but he still needs to be cautious.

In fact, he also kept in mind that all the world is composed of the Admiral's consciousness, and this must not be noticed by the Admiral.

Otherwise, if General Wei Feng's illness cannot be cured, he will not survive.

The big boss didn't answer. He held his wrist for a while, as if checking his pulse, and then turned around and went out.

Will this guy still see a doctor?

Wen Qingzheng was surprised when he heard the system say: "Host, little gangster, you are going to make some medicine."

...Xiao Hei.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the names of the fragments are becoming more and more rustic. Xiao Qing was fine before, but then she became Ah Huang, and now she is Xiao Hei.

What will be next?

"Will he see a doctor?"



Is it true that the BOSS who doesn't know how to see a doctor can't eat dead people if he prescribes and boils it?

"His methods of taking pulses are all wrong. The background information I got from Yuanli shows that doctors during this period did have methods of diagnosing pulses, but they were not his kind, and the place where they were taken was wrong." 001 continued to make trouble.

This is strange.

It is said that this world of consciousness was constructed by the Admiral. He first set up the diagnosis method in the world, but he used the wrong way to diagnose the disease...

Could it be that you wanted to kill him on purpose?

"Why did he do this?" Wen Qing asked strangely.

If I really want him to die, I can just leave him alone. No matter how strong the Heavenly Master is, in a place where Yin Qi is so strong, he still loses consciousness. Instant death is the only outcome.

He is lying here alive. It can only be said that the black fragments protected him for unknown purposes and brought him to this place.

"The fragments are driving away other ghosts and asking them to find a few ghosts who can heal." The system said.

Since you want to cure him, it means you don't want him to die on purpose.

Wen Qing let out a breath and said incredulously: "This guy... doesn't pretend to be pretentious on purpose, does he know how to pretend to understand?"

This is interesting.

Hei Hanqiong is a child of an aristocratic family. Although his personality is not very distinctive, at least one thing is that he must stand on the side of mankind.

The black fragments, on the other hand, turned out to be... cute and cute this time! Of course, if he said this in front of the big boss, he would probably be beaten to death on the spot.

"The fragment said that you must be allowed to live." The system continued.

That's not what he said. The big boss said to the ghost brothers, "I need a living heavenly master. The living one must be alive"!

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