9.6 - ...

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After discovering that Black Pluto probably contained energy minerals and other items beneficial to humans, Wei Liao did not stay here longer, but took Huo Qingning away after the spacecraft was completed for maintenance.

Investigation and detection are the tasks of the exploration team. The only thing he has to do is to compile this possibility into a report after returning to the main star, and take out the two energy stones together.

Compared with those things, Wei Liao was more interested in Xiao Yi.

It was originally a mouse with ears on its head that were almost half as big as its body. It was small in stature and fat in body, and its movements were slow. It wanted speed but not speed, and it needed strength but not strength.

He looks like a weakling.

But Wei Liao could not forget the action of Xiao Yi throwing himself on the young man's shoulders when he brought back the two energy stones.

Quick and powerful.

So where is the little guy who usually has trouble climbing on the bed?

The lightning-like speed makes it difficult to guard against.


On the way back to the main star, Admiral Wei Liao ran to Huo Qingning's door and started knocking on the door.

Huo Qingning opened the door and looked at the man with a question mark on his face.

"What's up?"

"How is your spiritual power increasing today?" Wei Liao asked seriously.

Well, a man with such a high position like him needs to be more reserved. He has to make the young man think that he is mature and steady.

"Very stable." The boy said and was about to close the door.

In the past few nights, almost every day before going to bed, the man would come and ask, and he was used to it.

But this time the door didn't close because the man stretched out his hand to hold it.

"That's just right. I have something I want to talk to you about in detail. Can you let me in?" The man looked solemn.

Huo Qingning looked at him suspiciously for a while, and finally moved away.

Wei Liao immediately squeezed in happily and closed the door tightly.

It's so late, so you have to pay attention to safety and don't let random people come in.

"What do you want to say?" Huo Qingning asked.

"Those two energy stones..."

"What's wrong? The little one brought back those two. There's nothing we can do about it. It doesn't have room to store them. If you want more, it can take you to find them when we return to Black Star." explain.

"We'll talk about that later. What I want to tell you is that today one of the two energy stones was tested on the spacecraft using existing instruments, and it was initially determined that its grade was between B+ and A, and it was more inclined to A. One point. Once we return to the main star, we can accurately determine its level."

"Oh," the boy nodded, "That's good."

He only learned about human beings' need for energy stones after joining the army, and he had no desire in this regard. Wei Liao's words let him know that Xiao Yi had discovered some good things that were good for humans, but that was all.

He didn't think it had anything to do with him.

"Has Xiao Yi been like this before?" Wei Liao reached for a glass of water and asked while drinking.

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