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When Ai Rong thought he could solve all the problems at once, Xing Jie told him that Ai Shen was not Ai Guang's son.

Ai Rong couldn't completely believe Xing Jie's words, but he also knew that Xing Jie had a different identity. This man's pride meant that he was not the kind of person who talked casually, let alone such gossip that was of no benefit to anyone.

The feeling of Ai Guang and his wife at this time could no longer be described as shock. They just felt as if the whole world had been turned upside down.

First, the well-raised child is self-reliant, and then someone comes to the door and says that the child is not theirs, but his. Just when they finally accepted this reality, a strange man appeared out of nowhere and said that his younger brother was their son. Which one is true?

"Can you all sit down? Let's have a good chat." Ai Guang pressed his forehead and said, "Such a big matter cannot be explained in a sentence or two. It is necessary for us to talk about it in depth."

Ai Jia didn't want to talk, he just wanted to drive Wen Qing away.

Unfortunately, since Ai Rong appeared, the situation in the field was no longer controllable by any one person, so he could only sit aside unwillingly.

Wen Qing sat on the other side, facing him from a distance. In the eyes of others, they just thought that because the incident happened too suddenly and the impact was too great, he was a little unable to react.

In fact, he was nervously contacting the system.

"Xiao Tong, what is going on in this plot? Why did a man suddenly come out claiming to be my brother? This part was not in the original plot." He asked.

Indeed not.

The system has figured out Ai Rong's identity at this time. This man also existed in the original plot, but he didn't appear so early, and there was no mention of looking for his younger brother.

The only thing he did was to suddenly persuade Karl to come to country C to make a movie. The film did make them a lot of money, and most of the actors used were actors from country C, including the leading actor.

But he didn't say why Ai Rong wanted to come to country C. If this man really wanted to make money, the film would have made a lot of money if it was shot in country M. It might even be more acceptable to people in country M because it used actors from country M, and he would make more money.

Wen Qing sighed.

It seems that this should be a hidden plot.

If the original owner could survive that period of time and not die, maybe the next step would be the plot of Ai Rong coming to recognize her as his bride. Unfortunately, without the if, the plot he received only ended with the death of the original owner.

In addition, judging from the current development, the original owner is Ai Rong's younger brother, and Shi Jia is Ai Guang's son. So where are the children of the Shi family couple?

During the period when he was "lost", Ai Rong, Ai Guang and others began to talk about the original incident.

Ai Guang only found out in the past few days that the child was carried by the wrong child. He didn't have time to find out how the previous incident happened, so he was probably listening. In this regard, he didn't even know as well as Igado.

After all, Ai Jia quietly went to find someone to investigate as soon as he was reborn. Although nothing was found, most of the situations were still based on his own imagination and fabrication.

It's just that now Ai Jia is very worried, worried and scared, and her mind is not in her right mind.

He has not forgotten that Ai Rong said that Ai Qingqing is his younger brother.

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