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Zhang Yun's idea was actually the other team members' idea, but Fu Shixin had his own plan.

"Mr. Du..."

When he called me like this, Du Zi'e's fair face immediately turned red: "Just call me by my name. It feels weird to call me sir."

Fu Shixin followed Shan Ruliu: "Okay, then I will call you Zi'er from now on. I heard that Zheng Yuan, the leader of Benlei Base, has a wife, also named Du. I wonder if she has anything to do with you?"

Du Zi'e's expression changed slightly: "She is my sister."

"Oh, that's it. Last year, Ping An Base sent food to you. I led the team there and met her once. I remember the leader's wife is named Du Zichan, right?"

"No, my sister's name is Du Zijuan," the young man said.

"Look at my memory, it just doesn't work well. I forgot it in less than a year," Fu Shixin said apologetically, "How is Chief Zheng doing now? I haven't seen him for a long time. He still only loves as much as before. Don't you like drinking tea?"

Du Zi'e looked at him strangely: "My brother-in-law never drinks."

"I remembered it wrong," Fu Shixin gently knocked his forehead with his fist, "There are too many things mixed together every day, and my mind is confused. When can Chief Zheng come to Ping An Base again? You sent him last time The meat exchanged is very good."

Du Zi'e's face turned gloomy: "My brother-in-law is dead. He has been dead for almost half a year. Don't you know?"

Fu Shixin was stunned, as if he really didn't know anything: "I'm sorry, I knew I shouldn't have asked about this."

Probably because the captain really didn't know how to talk, there was an awkward silence in the team, and no one spoke anymore.

Fu Shixin had known about Benlei Base for a long time, and he was just testing Du Zi'e by asking about it.

But now it turns out that the young man should really be Du Zijuan's younger brother as he said.

Whether it was due to his personality or because he sensed his temptation, the young man did not take the initiative to talk to him.

Of course he didn't know that Wen Qing was communicating with the system at this time.

"Host, aren't you going back to Benlei Base?"

"Follow them first. Anyway, it doesn't matter which base you go to first to find the fragments. The possibilities are almost the same. The safe base is less dangerous than the Benlei side."

After hearing what the host said, the system felt relieved.

As long as it's not random and unplanned, there's nothing to worry about.

Although it is not close to Benlei Base, it is also a bit far from Ping An Base.

The team had walked a long way. Everyone in the team was injured, their powers were overused, and their bodies were exhausted. At this time, they couldn't bear it anymore.

Fu Shixin was feeling better, but Zhang Yun and the others were sitting staggeringly on the ground, unable to even get up.

"Brother Xin, take a rest, take a rest!" Gangzi gasped.

Fu Shixin thought for a while: "Okay, let's rest, but try to recover as quickly as possible. We have no food and water now. If we don't return to Ping An Base quickly, we won't be able to resupply."

As soon as he said these words, the few people in the team who were lying on the ground immediately complained.

Zhang Yun simply started scolding: "That stinky woman Lan Jiaojiao, we obviously saved her life, but she didn't say a word even though we saved her life, and she even took off all our things when she left. She is really a top-notch person." . Don't let me touch her again, otherwise I will give her a good look!"

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