🤍You're dating Dunce Face|Kaminari

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I'm not sure how to start this so... if this is crap forgive me.

Quirk- Water manipulation: The user can control water including the water particles in the air. The more water that is around the bigger the attack is. The user can manipulate and contort the water into weapons or into a bubble that they can then use to drown their victims if wanted. Drawbacks include getting dehydrated easily, dry skin, and easily chapped lips.

Written on- 05/06/2024~05/06/2024|Number of words- 2464

"Oh my gosh GIRLS!"Uraraka comes running into the classroom.

"What is it Uraraka?" Tsu asks.

"Do any of you know who Y/n L/n is?" Uraraka asks.

"YES!" Mina squeals.

"They are only the most well-known model here in Japan," Hagakure says.

"Not only that but they also push gender norms in every photoshoot! In one photo they are wearing a dress, then the next a tux," Jiro says happily.

"Or they have a mix of feminine and masculine in one outfit, their usual style is very androgynous," Momo says.

"Why are you asking Uraraka?" Aoyama asks.

"Well, they're in the front office with bags! I think they are coming to school here!" Uraraka squeals.

"NO WAY!" The other girls scream excitedly.

"Yes, way!" Uraraka says excitedly. Just then Aizawa walks in.

"Okay class, enough talking, take your seats and look forward. I have an announcement," Aizawa's monotone voice rings out. Everyone goes to their seats and looks forward.

"Thank you, now, we are getting a new student. I expect you to treat them properly and with respect, and for the love of god, please don't scream," Aizawa says and everyone nods.

"Come on in," Aizawa says looking at the door. That's when Y/n L/n walked in with a smile on their face.

"Hello class 1A, it is so great to meet you all, I look forward to getting to know all of you and becoming friends, I am Y/n L/n and I request you to use They/Them pronouns when referring to me," Y/n says.

"Welcome to our class L/n san," Iida says.

"Thank you, but please call me Y/n, There is no need for honorifics, we are all friends here," Y/n says.

"Go ahead and sit Y/n," Aizawa says. Y/n nods and walks to the empty seat. They sit and place their bag down beside them.

"Okay now for today's lesson," Aizawa says as he turns to the board.


Classes ended and the second Y/n walked out of the school building to go to the dorms, students bombarded them.

"L/n san, are you going to be studying here?"

"L/n san can I get a picture?"

"L/n san, can you sign this for me?"

L/n san, can we be friends?"

The questions come left and right, to any normal person this would be overwhelming, luckily Y/n isn't a normal person.

"I will gladly sign things and take pictures with you but it has to be one at a time, let's go over to that tree and line up in a single file line," Y/n says. Y/nthen walks over to the side where the tree is and starts to sign and take pictures with everyone. After the last person bows and thanks Y/n they smile, and head to the dorm rooms. They walk in and the girls all smile at them.

MHA XReader OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя