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Written on- 05/23/2024|Number of words- 2710

Hugs and sad eyes could be seen between the two young men.

"Are you sure you want this?" Aizawa asks.

"Yeah, there's nothing here for me Shota... we broke it off, I signed the contract. I'm sorry..." Y/n says looking to the side.

"Don't be sorry... never apologize for chasing your dreams. I will miss you but- if fate allows it we will see each other again..." Aizawa says. Y/n nods and looks at the man in front of him.

"I'll miss you... so much..." Y/n says and Aizawa smiles sadly.

"Don't, you'll do fine," Aizawa says. Y/n nods.

"Last call for flight 273 to New York," the announcement rang out.

"I have to go..." Y/n says. Aizawa nods and the two hug one last time. Y/n turns and walks to the boarding area. He glances back one last time only to see Aizawa isn't there anymore. Y/n sighs and turns back.

"I will survive this... Goodbye Japan," Y/n says. 

-Thirteen years later-

Going back to Japan at 31 after leaving at 18 was a shock. Thirteen years and a whole lot of growing happened while he was gone. Lots of things changed, both the city and the people alike. Y/n walks out of the airport and to the taxis. He gets into one and tells the man his address. The ride isn't too long but not short either. He gets out and grabs his bags. He thanks and pays the man before walking up to the apartments. He walks up to the door and knocks. A young teen boy opens the door.

"Uncle Y/n?" the boy says surprised.

"Hey Izu, how are ya?" Y/n asks with a smile.

"I'm good! How are you? What are you doing here? Are you just visiting or..." Izuku asks.

"I'm back in Japan for good! You're mom said I could stay here until I can get my place," Y/n explains.

"You're here for good?" Izuku asks excitedly.

"Yup, now where is my big sister?" Y/n asks.

"Oh, at work still, she should be home soon though," Izuku says and Y/n nods.

"Here, help me with my bags please," Y/n requests.

"Of course," Izuku says grabbing a few bags while Y/n grabs the others. They get everything inside and into the guest room. Y/n walks out of the room and goes to the living room sitting on the couch.

"What do you want to do Izu? Want to watch  an Allmight film or something?" Y/n asks.

"Can we?" Izuku asks.

"Yeah totally," Y/n says. The two then sit and watch the film. An hour passes before they hear the door open.

"Izuku, what have  I told you about leaving the door unlocked when you are home alone?" Inko asks.

"He's fine Ink, I was here," Y/n says with a smirk on his face.

"Y/n?" Inko says surprised.

"That's my name," Y/n says and Inko smiles.

"What are you doing here? I thought you got in later tonight?" Inko asks.

"I was supposed to, but  I  got onto an earlier flight, and well, now I'm here," Y/n says and Inko smiles.

"It's good to have you back little brother," Inko says. Y/n smiles at his sister.

"It's good to be back," Y/n says.

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