💙Wait you're real?| Midoriya

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Written on- 04/18/2023|Number of words- 1743

A boy can be seen walking along a beach in California, he is talking on the phone with someone smiling and laughing.

"Seriously she said that?" The boy asks with a laugh.

"Yeah! Then she said I have to be faking it because she has never met you" the person on the other end says giggling.

"Wow, well they are all in for a surprise one day," the boy says.

"Yeah, they are... I can't wait for that day, the day I finally have you in my arms again" The person says and the boy smiles fondly.

"One day love, maybe it'll be soon maybe not, we will just have to see," The boy says.

"I know... I love you N/n" The person on the phone says and Y/n smiles.

"I love you too Izu, so much. I gotta go it's almost sunrise, I should head in before I get found" Y/n says with a giggle.

"Yeah, okay, stay safe and I'll text you," Izuku says and Y/n smiles.

"Okay, love you," Y/n says smiling a small smile a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I love you too, puppy," Izuku says. The two boys hang up and Y/n heads inside the beach house he was walking in front of. Once inside he gets breakfast and sits outside on the deck watching the sunrise.

Later that day Y/n runs to the mailbox like he does every day hoping, and praying the letter is there. He opens the mailbox and grabs the mail. 

"Ad, ad, bill, ad, bill, bill, Letter to Y/n L/n from UA!" Y/n yells after getting to the last envelope. He ruins inside slamming the rest of the mail down on the table beside the door.

"Nona! It's here!" Y/n yells excitedly.

"Well open it then!" An older lady walks into the foyer smiling at the boy.

"Oh, right! Okay, here goes nothing" Y/n says as he carefully opens the envelope and reads the words.

"Dear Y/n L/n, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into UA and will start a week from *Insert date here* please read over this letter as it informs you of the materials and rules you will need to know while attending UA. We can't wait to meet you, sincerely, Nezu, and the UA staff," Y/n reads aloud.

"I got in! I did it! Nona, I'm gonna be a hero!" Y/n yells happily jumping up and down excitedly.

"Yes in two weeks you'll be in Japan and going to school there, I'll join you once I find a place to stay. I'm so proud of you and I am so excited to walk this journey with you" Nona says and Y/n smiles.

"Me too, I love you, Nona," Y/n says.

"I love you too my child," Nona says

The next two weeks were spent packing and getting Y/n ready for UA. Eventually, two days before his start date Y/n is on a plane on the way to Japan. Y/n gets up and off the plane as fast as possible once he is given the go-ahead. Y/n grabs his bags and looks around for his name on a sign. His uncle told him he would be standing with a sign. Y/n sees the blonde hair and sign and instantly starts to run.

"Uncle Mic!" Y/n yells and the blonde man turns a little and looks at the boy.

"Y/n! Hey kiddo, how was your trip?" Mic asks and Y/n smiles wide.

"It was so long but I survived and now I am here! I'm so excited to be going to UA" Y/n says and Mic chuckles.

"Let's get you to the dorms, you will be staying in the dorm next to mine and Shota's until we can get you a room in the student dorms," Mic says and Y/n nods.

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