❤️His Wife|Aizawa

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Written on- 05/15/2024~05/16/2024|Number of words- 1925

The sun cascades into the room settling onto the face of a sleeping woman. Her head is on the chest of her lover. Her lover's hand is running through her hair gently. The woman makes a content smile as she looks up to see her lover awake.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Y/n asks looking at Aizawa.

"Yeah, six hours actually," Aizawa says.

"Well, that's better than nothing," Y/n says making him laugh.

"What time is it?" She asks making Aizawa look at the clock.

"5:35," He says looking back at her.

"We should get up... you have work and I have chores and a daughter to get to school," Y/n says.

"You rest, I'll get her up and ready," Aizawa says but she shakes her head.

"I want to get up," Y/n says.

"Okay," Aizawa says as they both sit up. They get up and get ready, before they know it it's 6:30 and time to wake their daughter.

"Sweetie, it's time to get up," Y/n says. Her daughter stirs, opening her eyes and smiling up at her mother.

"Hi, Mommy," she says making Y/n smile.

"Hi lovey, did you sleep well?" Y/n asks. The little girl nods.

"I did! I had no nightmares," She exclaims excitedly.

"That's wonderful! I noticed you didn't come to our room at all, I am so proud of you!" Y/n says hugging her daughter. They hug until the little girl lets go and jumps out of bed.

"DADDY! I slept in my bed and had no nightmares!" The little girl says excitedly running to her father.

"I know! I am so proud of you!" Aizawa says.

"Eri, let's get you ready for school okay," Y/n says walking over to her daughter.

"Okay!" Eri says excitedly.

The little family gets ready and soon they are out the door.

Aizawa walks with Eri and Y/n until they get to UA. Aizawa hugs his wife and daughter giving them each a kiss before walking into the school. Y/n and Eri walk a bit farther until they reach Eri's school.

"Love you, Mommy!" Eri says hugging her mom.

"Love you too, Eri, so much. Have a good day okay?" Y/n says and the little girl nods.

"I will!" She says excitedly. Y/n watches as her daughter enters the school, she then walks home. As she enters the kitchen she sees a lunch bag on the counter.

"Shota... again?" Y/n says to herself before grabbing the bag and going out the door. She makes her way to UA and enters the school with a visitor's pass. She walks into the office and the receptionist looks at her.

"Did he forget his lunch again?" The lady asks and Y/n giggles but nods.

"He should be with his class, you can go on ahead," She says and Y/n nods.

She walks further into the school and straight to 1A's door. She takes a deep breath and knocks.

"Iida, can you check who that is?" Aizawa's voice can be heard asking.

"Of course sir," Iida says. Y/n hears shuffling then the door opens.

"Hello, how can we help you?" Iida asks. Y/n chuckles and looks into the classroom to see her husband's back turned to her.

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