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Written on- 05/14/2024~05/15/2024 |Number of words- 2653

"I don't want to! I already know everything they teach, and the kids are all mean, what's the point?" An eight-year-old boy screams while struggling to get out of a woman's arms.

"Sweetheart, I know, I  get it, but the law says you must go to school until you're sixteen. Until then please don't make this any harder," the woman says and the child sighs and stops struggling.

"Fine... can we get coffee first?" the boy asks and the woman smiles.

"Sure sweetheart," The woman says.

"Thank you, mama," The boy says.

"You're welcome Y/n, I  love you," the boy's mother says.

"I love you too," the little boy says hugging his mom.

An hour late but he makes it to school. He walks in and sits in the back. He looks out the window glancing at the clock every so often.

"Y/n, what is the answer to this problem?" The teacher asks. The boy looks over at the problem on the board.

"Six hundred thirty-two," Y/n says and the teacher sighs.

"Good job, but face forward and at least look like you are paying attention," the teacher says making the others giggle.

"Yes Ma'am," Y/n says slouching down in his seat.

"Thank you," The teacher says.


"We are moving? To where?" Y/n asks excitedly.

"Back to Japan," Y/n's mother says.

"YES!" The now fourteen-year-old cheers.

"Do I get to see Tenya and Tensei again?" Y/n asks and the woman smiles.

"Yes, I'm sure that can be arranged," Y/n's mom says.

"YAY! When do we leave?" Y/n asks excitedly.

"In a few weeks," The boy's mom says with a smile.

"Okay!" Y/n says jumping around excitedly.


Y/n and his mom exit the airport and catch a cab to their new apartment. Y/n smiles as they walk in.

"I love it already," Y/n says with a smile.

"Make sure you are ready for the entrance exam in a few months, if you want to get into UA, you need to be prepared," Y/n's mom says.

"I know," Y/n  says with a smile.

Those few months passed by fast and soon Y/n was walking out of the entrance exam confident in his performance.

"I'll get in I am sure of it," Y/n says to himself. He walks home and crashes onto the couch.

A few weeks later Y/n is getting the mail. He walks into the apartment flipping through the envelopes.

"Bill, bill, ad, ad, ad, Bill, Bill, Ad, UA, Ad, wait, UA!" He yells excitedly. HE puts the bills and ads down and runs into his mom's room.

"What's up, sweetheart?" His mom asks.

"I GOT MY UA LETTER!" He yells excitedly.

"Oh, open it!" His mom says and the boy nods. He opens the letter and reads it, tears prick his eyes as he looks at his mother.

"So what class did you get into?" The mother asks.

"I got into 1A..." Y/n says with a smile on his face.

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