💙Soulmates suck|Aizawa

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Written on- 04/27/2024 |Number of words- 2041

On your Fifth birthday, you will wake up with a phrase on your wrist. Sometimes they are short and sometimes they are long. This phrase will be what your soulmate says to you for the first time. You'll know if you found them because their name replaces the words. Some people find their soulmate fast, some know them already, and some don't find their soulmate until late in life. On rare occasions, some don't find their soulmate at all, those people have two options. Be alone forever or decide to get with someone that hasn't found their soulmate too. If one's soulmate dies... well, the phrase disappears. Those people are then left with a broken heart. Broken hearts hurt like hell when they first happen especially when you are young. I mean how do you explain to a child that the person they are supposed to be with forever is dead already? 

Y/n L/n is a simple boy raised by his single mother. His dad died in a villain attack when he was three. Now four almost five, he is so excited to see what his soulmate will say to him. He hopes it is something nice or funny. He hopes he doesn't wake up tomorrow with a broken heart like his older sister did three years ago. He knows she is broken-hearted and knows it's painful. He doesn't want to be in pain for the rest of his life.

"Y/n, bedtime!" Y/n's mom M/n yells out.

"Okay, mommy," Y/n yells back. Her gets into bed and waits for his mother to come tuck him in.

"Okay, kiddo, are you ready for tomorrow?" M/n asks her son.

"As ready as I will ever be! I hope I don't wake up hurting like sissy did," Y/n says and M/n nods looking at her son sadly.

"That's very rare baby, I'm sure you'll be fine, but if you do wake up hurting yell for me and I will come to help soothe you... I promise," M/n says and Y/n nods.

"Okay, mommy, love you," Y/n says.

"I love you too baby," M/n says leaning down and kissing her son on the head. Y/n soon falls asleep excited but nervous for the morning.


"Y/n, when are you finally going to tell us what your soulmate's first words to  you are?" A girl asks.

"Never Scarlet, it's so dumb and embarrassing," Y/n says pulling his long sleeve down over his wrist.

"It can't be that bad," A boy says.

"Jameson, you know nothing, especially since you found your soulmate already!" Y/n yells out.

"Whoa! I did nothing for you to call me my full first name!" James says

"Geez you are so loud, chill dude," Another boy says.

"Sorry, Blake... are you really that interested?" Y/n asks.

"YES!" Scarlet yells out.

"Fine but no laughing," Y/n says and they all nod. Y/n pulls his sleeve up revealing the words 'That's why soulmates suck'. 

"Oh my god... Y/n I am so sorry!" Scarlet says and Y/n shrugs.

"It's whatever," Y/n says.

"Awe not even your soulmate wants anything to do with you Y/n," A female voice says from behind the group.

"Kanani, go away," James says.

"Fine, but Y/n, no one wants you, even your soulmate... I'd reconsider life," Kanani says walking away. Y/n huffs and looks at the floor.

"Y/n, don't listen to her! She knows nothing, we don't even know the context. For all we know he is trying to cheer you up," Scarlet says.

"Yeah, I guess," Y/n says.

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