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This story includes talk of Insomnia, medication, the death of a parent, and a parent killing another parent, Trama. If this upsets you, please move on to another chapter.

Written on- 02/20/2023-02/24/2023|Number of words- 3178

Y/n's POV

I lay there, staring at the ceiling of my room, tired but sleep was not taking me. I sigh and sit up checking the time—2:34 AM.

"Joyful, school starts in less than five and a half hours, I'm never falling asleep at this rate," I say to myself I get up off my bed and debate if I should disturb him.

"If I wake him up there is a possibility he doesn't go back to sleep, if I don't, I'll never get to sleep. Damit I should've taken my medication at nine like he always says." I scold myself and sigh.

"Maybe a glass of water or something will help," I say as I walk out of my room and head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and grab a water bottle from the fridge. I sit on a stool by the island and sigh. I open the bottle and take a sip. I lay my head down in frustration knowing I'm not getting any sleep tonight. Tears well up in my eyes that I let freely fall. I hold in the sobs that I don't want to escape. This is the third night of barely any sleep and my emotions are catching up. After I calmed down I looked at the time 3:30 AM.

"Jeez, I've been down here for an hour?" I ask myself and sigh grabbing the water bottle placing the cap on it and walking back to my dorm room. I softly close my door to not wake anyone. I sit at my desk, pull out some papers that aren't due until next week, and decide to start working on them. By the time I am done, I look at 5:00 AM. I smile sadly and get changed into workout clothes. I leave the dorms and run for a bit. The crisp morning air hitting my face made me feel refreshed. Once back at the dorm, I see it is 5:55 AM. I decide to make breakfast for everyone and walk to the kitchen. With my earbuds still in my ears, I start to cook up an American breakfast. Eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, waffles, hashbrowns, and french toast, by the time I am done I hear some of my classmates moving upstairs. I'm pouring myself a cup of coffee when I see Mina, Kaminari, Jero, and Iida all walk into the room.

"What is that amazing smell?" Mina asks as she walks in.

"Oh, Y/n! Did you cook again?" Mina asks and I nod. The four individuals all smile.

"Yes! Y/n's American breakfast!" Kaminari says happily. I giggle and move to the side.

"Feel free to grab some, there is plenty to go around," I say to the four of them.

"Don't mind if I do" Jero says then starts grabbing food.

"Thank you L/n very much for the food," Iida says then goes to grab food as well.

Eventually, everyone is downstairs eating except Kirishima. I look around and grab another plate and load it up with a little bit of everything. I walk up the stairs and knock on the door with both plates balancing on my left arm, like a server at a restaurant.

"Come on in" I hear from the other side. I open the door and walk in.

"Hey Kiri, I saw you weren't downstairs yet so I figured I'd bring food up to you," I say.

"Who cooked?" Kiri asks and I smile softly at him.

"I did," I say and Kiri looks up at me.

"You didn't sleep did you?" Kiri asks as he takes his plate.

"Um... no, not really," I say and Kiri sighs looking at me disappointed.

"Y/n why didn't you come to my room, it's always open, especially for you," Kiri says and I sigh sitting on the floor beside him.

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