Who's My Father?

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It's a feeling we all get. The one where you just know this sliver of hope and good is about to fade. Sometimes it doesn't fade at all; instead, it just gets swallowed but the void of bad luck. That unpleasant feeling is the one I am trying to suppress right now. I know I shouldn't but I just can't help myself. I can't remember the last time I truly smiled or even laughed.  But no matter how much I laughed or smiled or even learned I could not stop the nagging feeling of doubt and suspicion claw at my mind.

I had just stepped out of the tavern to try and regain my composure, I truly found it strange that I wasn’t overly concerned with my new sight but then again I did stare at things as if I had never seen them before. Deciding to get away from the ruckus, I ghosted my way through the shadows and up a set of stairs. Once I reached the landing I sat with my legs hanging over the edge, staring out at the stars and the moon. I remember very little about my childhood, but I do recall that I found the night sky the most breathtaking sight to ever be seen; I still did.

"You were always fascinated by this view. Often we would find you out on top of the hill for you had fallen asleep watching." Her voice did not cause me to jump for I had sensed her while she made her way up.  Reva sat down beside me with a heavy sigh. For a few moments we let silence reign. It was a calm moment meant for soaking up the last remains of this peace before it was shattered.

"Nerish is too afraid and too ashamed to answer your questions. He fears he will lose you when we have only just found you." Reva stated. I kept silent and she took that as encouragement to continue.

 "You wish to know of your family. " It was not a question.

"Yes, I think it only right to remember and to know the people I am avenging."

"Yes, I suppose it is. Well then I shall get right to it. Your mother was human and looked very similar to you just without the pure qualities. Your father was a Pure as you could have guessed. You were born barely a decade before the carnage of our people. You were quiet an adventurous young child, which surprised most of us considering our strict and mature nature at a young age." At that I scoffed slightly, I could only vaguely pull forth a memory of a rambunctious little girl who dressed in trousers and tired to chases the bulls.

"Everyone on the council thought that you would be too human to be a true member of our society. Ah but fate desired that you were to be far more than we could ever believe. You were the light of everyone's heart and could stop and argument but simply stating a fact that could not be argued.

 You had everyone on their toes; there was never a dull moment when you were awake." Reva looked far off into the distance as if picturing it herself. Then a dark look flashed over her features before she hid it.

"There is another reason the Exile Prince was so angry with our race. He would have done nothing to us if we had only denied him his crown, but one day he saw a babe of only three dance and run from her brothers. He watched as Her father scooped her up and protected her from the "evil bandits' her brothers were trying to play. It was in that moment he found that he wanted nothing more than to be her knight. But when the young girl's father found out, he became furious for he had seen long ago of the Prince's vile heart. Never would he allow his daughter to wed this man, regardless if the Prince was her mate or not. So it was then the Prince's hatred grew for our kind, our denial of his throne just gave him the push."  She became silent and I allowed for her words to sink in. I was denied to him before? That really does explain a lot.  I felt as though there was one piece still missing, a vital piece one that would tie the picture together and complete my past. I racked my brain for any answer but could find only one suitable one.

"Reva, who was my father?" Reva stilled for only a moment then sighed long and deeply.

"You were bound to find out sooner or later, though most of us were hoping for later to give you more time to adjust."

"Reva." I growled slightly, I was tired of them skirting around my true answer.

"Fine, fine. Your father was well known in our community and very well loved by all. His sacrifice for his mate made him a legend among our people. Though he was called many things, his true name meant 'Power of Justice' in ancient Puredant. I called him that at his birth for he was my first born. Erzrak, your father's name was Erzrak."

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