Enter the Mist

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“I will get them Saka, make no mistake about that.” I reassured her before spurring Jumper into a full on gallop. Since I lost my eyesight, my other senses aided in directing me. I listened for low branches, felt for any prying eyes, and sniffed out my prey. I have to confess that being the blind Warrior for the Bodiless gave me extra heightened senses. When I had first told the Souls that I couldn’t have been the warrior they were looking for, they had said they would always there to help guide me. I took the offer and then Hades himself came up to me and told me that he would give me the gift of Sense. All my senses were greatened and my eyesight given so I could see who needed my skills. Hades trained me and then when he thought me ready, gave me all I would need to be, an Avenger.  I know I am not the first of my kind nor will I be the last but I have strived to be one of the strongest.

The first whispers of freshly disembodied souls reached my hyper sensitive ears. The strong copper scent of blood grew stronger the closer I came to my prey. Finally, I burst through the tree line and I saw much the same scene that lurks in my sleep, pouncing on my mind and creating nightmares that plague me.

Huts and homes were burning, the scent of charred flesh lingered as families burned. Blood soaked and ran deep into the earth. Screams and cries resounded all around me. ten men on horseback laughed and smirked as they ran down the defenseless and slaughtered them. Two of them saw me and charged, one coming from the left the other from the right. Once they were just in range, I jumped up and over their arcing blades. Jumper, highly trained, trotted off into the trees, his dappled coat hiding him perfectly. I could feel the thick smoke floating over the ground and I took a silent refuge in it. I snuck around, slitting throats of the oppressors and creating great confusion amongst the ranks. When there were only three left, the Commander and his two highest ranking officers, I rose out of the smoke and showed them that all crimes have consequences, and Avengers came after murderers and rapists.  

They stood there dumbfounded that only one person could take them all. I had sent seven new souls to Hades. Three more were expected and I was not one to waste time. Lifting up my blade, I took a stance and within the seconds that passed only two things are necessary to record. Swinging my blade in a low arc, I severed the first two scum in half. The commander was last and soon laid at my feet in a headless heap.  I took a calming breath, soaking up the feel of destruction. Sheathing my blade, I heard the muffled footsteps of those who are living and I saw the souls coming closer to me. I could feel all eyes on me. I hated the spotlight.

Just as I was leaving, Saka burst though the crowd of souls. Her soul was now its healthy silvery color.

She sighed.  “My revenge has been fulfilled.”  She began to simmer out of sight. I sighed as I felt the bond diminished. The village was silent I called Jumper to my side, I mounted and just as I was out to ride out and young man approached me.

“What are you?” he asked

“I am Mist — the Avenger.” And soon I was riding out into the sunrise and into the beginning of a new revenge assignment.             

All Hail The Mist (Prv. Avengers-- Mist) Book IKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat