A Mishap Encounter for the Better?

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  “A deal is a deal, there is no going back.” I said for what felt like the hundredth time.

“But I still don’t see why you’re the one to be assigned as our Avenger.” The soul said and I’m pretty sure he was pouting.

I kept my mouth shut and made sure my cloak offered enough warmth and cover from the icy rain that pelted down around us.

Even though it was nearly summer, temperature in these mountains reached no higher than freezing. I was grateful that Jumper was a horse from the underworld and could survive in most any extreme climate. The soul continuously complained about anything and everything, his main subject being his chosen Avenger; me. I just ignored him and listened for any suspicious sounds. All that was heard was the cold mountain wind, rainfall and Jumper’s hooves echoing through the mountain pass.

We decided that going back to Lucan and Asher’s village, Asher being the annoying sexist soul I am to Avenge, we would track the murderers from there until we found them or their next target.

“Why are you taking so long Avenger? Do you not want to catch those low lives before they kill again?” Asher taunted.  Sighing ,I finally gave up on ignoring him and looked over at the soul.

“Asher, I am limited in my travel only because I must give them a fair chance whether or not they deserve it. Besides even if I could travel any faster, I wouldn’t. I have to also think of your brother’s life and were we to rush through this passage we could fall and although you, jumper and I would live, your brother would not.”  Even though I urged Jumper a little faster, for Lucan can die in this weather as well.

The weather got worse as we reached the climax of the passage, knowing Lucan would not survive if we staid any longer in this place I pushed Jumper to go on a little longer.  We needed to reach the warmer air of the lower slopes before dusk.

Asher hadn’t spoken since; I made sure to check and see if he was in fact with us or had gotten lost. A lost soul is never good. But every time I check he was still there. The rain had ceased, but the bitter wind never died. I couldn’t let my thoughts wonder, I needed to stay alert and focused all my other senses were hyper-active because of the darkness that had taken over. With that being so it wasn’t long before I felt the subtle change in the air as we entered warmer temperatures.

Suddenly the feeling of being watched and followed overpowered my nerves, sending them into frenzy. Jumper stiffened under me slightly, he became my eyes seeing what was trying to hide so well. The slightest shift of rocks to my right was my warning.

I felt three heavy set men jump from the overhanging boulders; they caged us against the cliff face causing Jumper to rear up nearly striking one down.

‘Not yet Jumper, they mustn’t know what we are’ I thought to the untamable beast under me.

Jumper settled slightly, only to tense again as one of the men spoke.

“Well, well, well looky here boys. We’ve got ourselves a lost little girly.” The one to my left spoke, his voice heavily accented and the harsh smell of strong liquor hung heavy on his breath. I tightened my hold on Lucan, the men hadn’t noticed him yet and I was going to make sure they never did.

“Well boss, do ya think she’ll be worth a pretty penny at the market?” The one to my right spoke his voice young yet harsh and slightly slurred.

“We’d have ta see her face completely, now wouldn’t we?” The third one spoke, his voice gruff and held wisdom that only time can bring. I assumed he is the leader of this not so bright group.

“Young lass, would you be so kind as ta remove dat cover of yours?” the leader asked. His words flowed over me like a soft caress; soothing me and making me question why I ever had my cover on in the first place. Then Lucan shifted ever so slightly causing me to break out of the spellbound state. Now anger rushed through my veins, these men, or at least the leader, were spell-binders. A person whose only source of power was his or hers voice. They could influence a person or a whole army to do as they wished, only if those who are being influenced were of a weak mind and will.

“You will hold your magic tongue when you speak with me spell-binder.” I hissed at him, I felt my mist begin to form around the place where we stood.  The other two men began to cower in fear, Spell-binder usually were not fighters, they chose to cower in the behind those who were willing to fight and order them as their hearts so desired.

The leader took a step towards me.

“Well dear girl, it seems as though there is more to you than meets the eye, and I doubt we would be able to get you to the slave market lest it was a willing act.” Then the leader bowed to me.

When he rose I nodded my respect to him. He turned and addressed the other two men.

“Boys, who you see before you, is a rare sight to see if you have committed no act of violence against another human. Jeremy, Collin show your respect, here stands an Avenger.

I felt the two others heart nearly stop and the quickly complied and bowed low. I couldn’t help but laugh quietly at their antics. Though I could not see, I could hear them fumbling around like headless chickens.

“Come, milady , we shall give you a resting place for the night.” The leader said ignoring the other two.

“Thank you for your kindness.” Though we needed to make up for lost time Lucan needed food and a good rest from being in the saddle all day.

‘Jumper, follow.’ My silent command was accompanied by a swift yet light kick to his sides. As Jumper followed the man, I discreetly looked for Asher who had suddenly disappeared after the Spell-binders appeared. Giving up on seeing him I used the bond between us to find him. Low and behold there he sat right behind me on Jumper non -corporal to any.  

“I don’t understand how you can trust so easily. But I know Lucan needs to rest so I won’t be a pain about it.” He said so only I could hear. Smiling to myself I continued to scan the area around us. I wasn’t going to be taken by surprise with a small child in my care.  

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