Act of Vengance or Act of War?

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The night was calm and clear, a stark contrast to the whirlwind of emotions running through my veins.

Once we reached the modest cottage of the Spell-binding trio, they found out that I had Lucan with me and the women of the house, Corrien, The wife of the Leader, whose name is Leonardo or Leo as he liked to be called, and his two daughters one thirteen Amara, and the other eleven, Justine. Corrien rushed Lucan into a warm bath and fed him bowl after bowl of soup until I thought he would burst. She even scolded me and treated me as if I was one of her own. She took me to the back of the house and ordered me to strip so that she could dry my soaked clothing as I bathed. She brought me one of her own dresses and then left to finish dinner.

I was shocked at the stout woman’s actions I just nodded and complied. After the water had begun to chill I dried and dressed. The course material of the dress scratched over the dozens of scars that marred my silky smooth skin. I left my hair lose to dry as it wished, and followed the sounds of a family back to the front of the house. Though the young ones and the two sons were still frightened of me they did not cower they continued on with their chores and duties just a little more cautious of my presence.

Corrien forced me to sit and continued to place food in front of me although I could no longer eat after the third plate of food. Corrien had the girls make a sleeping area in front of the fire for Lucan and me. I put the small child to rest after he was lulled to sleep by a bedtime story. I had laid there wide awake as the house soon drifted to sleep. When the peaceful presence of sleep would not hearken to me I quietly slipped outside, and so here I stand now wishing for the moment I could kill those bastards and be done with this darkened life.

“I have heard of an Avenger decimating an entire scouting company of the king’s army just on the other side of these mountains. The villagers said she called herself mist, and that the name suited her well, for she came and went like the mist in the dawn.” Leo’s wise voice floated over to me. I felt the air shift as he came and sat next to me.

“Do you think that is such an impossible feat for my kind?” I asked him.  

“Do not think I cannot see the blindness in your eyes, or how you protect that living child.” He scoffed, “I know what your kind was made for, what your duties require. But I have only ever seen and heard of Avengers catering to the dead, never the living.” He said his voice measured and curious.

“The boy came to me, he is the last left living in his family, by mistake of course, and asked for my aid for his brother’s sake. His brother watches over him even now.” I said.

“Aye, but that still doesn’t explain as to why to agreed.” He responded.

“His family was murdered by the same people who decimated my own village, leaving me blind and hate filled.” I responded. Leo didn’t respond he just sat there with me as he thought on this.

“My wife and I have seen our fair share of Avengers, only because of this new king, marauding as he pleases.” Leo spat I felt the anger radiate off him feeding my own hate and vengeance. 

Leo and I sat there and spoke of the others like me, and like him. We spoke of the other creatures in these mountains, and what would be the fastest way to the village. We spoke till the sun began to awake and the sky filled with ‘gloriously bold colors’ as Leo put it.

Corrien made sure Lucan was able to ride again and packed dry meat and hearty bread and dried fruit for the journey. She once again fed us till we could hold no more and then sent us on our way. Leo pulled me aside after I had dressed in my own clothing once more.

“Mist, I fear that this mission may be the hardest one yet. Take these items for they will help you along the way. This is a summoning stone, break it and we will come to your aid. This is the key to ancient city locked away and has never been found by any who see. There you may find more aid. And finally take this cloak it was made by the elves in the forbidden mountains, it will protect you from arrows and rain, it will block out the wind and ill spells your enemies may litter your path with. It will offer you warmth when you are surrounded by cold or cool when surrounded by heat.” Leo wrapped the cloak around my shoulders, and placed the other items into my hands.

“Do not lose these for they will play a vital role in this battle.” He said sternly then led me over to Lucan who was also wore a hooded cloak. Corrien gave me a peculiar pendant made of a strong metal with a smooth round surface, with a certain design I had never felt before. The pendant pulsated with power and once it was placed around my neck it hummed as if it was agreeing with its placement.

“You go into this war for others yet you will only achieve a great victory alone and for yourself.” Her words shook me to my core.

 Could one act of vengeance turn into a life defining war?  

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