Revenge for the Avenger

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Sitting in the darkest corner of the tavern, I waited for a soul to approach me. My body was exhausted but I dare not let my eyes close. I suppose I would be considered lucky. For souls that are killed by an Avenger can never be avenged.

“Are you Avenger-Mist?” asked a soft small voice. I glanced in the direction of the voice, whoever spoke was not a soul. Reaching out, I felt a small calloused hand latch on to mine. The hand lead me to the face where I memorized the skin and features.

“Who is it that seeks the aid of an Avenger?” I whispered.

“I am called Lucan and I am but six years old.” He whispered back. I sat back up.

“I will not be able to aid you young child.” I said before standing.

“P-please!” he called to me. I stopped and waited for him to continue.

“I am not the one in need, Tis my brother.” He begged. I felt myself begin to waver.

“The wise man said you would be able to help us.” I gave in.

“Fine child, but first you’re in need of a hot bath and a good meal. Then in the morning we can set off for your brother.” I called over to the tavern keep and ordered the boy’s meal be brought to my room along with a hot bath. After he had his fill and he was clean, he immediately sunk into the bed and fell asleep. I sat by the fire and whittled a piece of wood.

At some point exhaustion must have taking over me because I jolted awake at the slight whimpering coming from the bed. Sighing, I stood up and made my way over to wake Lucan from his nightmare. Just before I reached the bed I felt another presence in the room. Turning quickly, I pinned the intruder, only to find a soul starring back at me.

“He’s my brother, Avenger. I seek only to console him.” he said calmly.

I was shocked, but it quickly faded into rage. Throwing him aside, I hurried to the bed. Searching for the boy and when I found him I shook him gently. The next second he was in my arms, sobbing.

“What the Hell?!” his brother was in front of me shaking with anger.

“You send a child to search for an Avenger. You are the soul! You must seek my employment, not a child of six!” with each word my voice rose. I knew I was losing it, but the nerve of this soul was enough to fill me with rage sevenfold.

“I can take care of my brother better than a blind woman.” He spat and I felt the rage over take me. I released the child and stood, slowly. Once I straightened to my full height I looked the soul dead in the eye. (No pun intended)

“I might not be able to see the living, but I can surely feel them and, when necessary, kill them. It is part of the job description.

You are a soul; you cannot be seen nor felt by any other. You cannot save your brother; foolish, foolish little boy.” I said calmly, my ice filled gaze had him cringing.

“You are still just a woman; there isn’t much you can do.” The soul had mustered up a little ounce of courage to say that, I’ll give him points for that, but he was beginning to test the limits of my control, and I had a very short temper. See what this soul didn’t know was that not only can Avengers put souls to rest by revenge, they can also, if necessary, put them to rest by their Sword of Souls; some souls are just blood thirsty and have no need for revenge, those are the ones who would need to be put down, but Avengers are the favorite of the underworld, they can get away with most things.

“Not this time.” The world around me became light gray at the edges, and the spot where the soul should have been was engulfed in flames. The underworld was open for my eyes only. This only happens when I get a special request, when I am to give my yearly report and when I turn in my blade to be ‘washed’.

Whatever this is, it must be important, because there before me stood my masters second in command, Edam; An ancient soul of great power and insight. I bowed to him in a show of respect. He aided in my training and he has always been a excellent mentor.

“Edam.” I rose and showed him that I was ready to listen and follow his commands.

“Mist, Hades himself has spoken to this family, the brother is the only one who believe revenge should be taken out. It turns out he doesn’t believe dying like a dog is appropriate and feels the need to make his murderers suffer. Just your area of expertise, I believe.” He said as he roamed the smallish room. I kept quiet only nodding to confirm his suspicions.

“Ahhh, well the bigger picture is, he fell victim to the same murderers you and your family did.” that news grounded me, and left me gasping for air. Whether or not I take this assignment, I will be freed or well left to finally rest in peace. I felt Edam’s presence kneel beside me.

“The only question is, will you let someone else take your rightful revenge or will you take pleasure in torturing those who made you what you are today?” Edam stood and walked over to the fiery entrance, just before he crossed over, he turned; he was awaiting my answer.

“I will most certainly take pleasure in watching those bastards writhe in agony.” I responded. He took a breath and gave me a slight smile that is never seen.

“Good, the deal is set then.” As he spoke those words, the world came crashing back to reality in a wave of shocking pain; the same pain any time a new bond is set.

I came to, minutes later, the world was dark again, the underworld was closed and my assignment set. This time though the end result would be different. This time, I would be the one to laugh as I watched the life pour out of their bodies. Then when I am finished laughing, I am going to be set free, and I will have an afterlife. Perhaps I will see my family, and know their faces one more time.

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