Horrors of Many Variations

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“As you must know the Pures were once the among the Sacred Races; The Elder Oaks, The Forgotten, The Forbidden, The Forsaken, and The Pures. Each held a specific power and duty. The Elder Oaks are wisdom and the past, The Forgotten, The Forsaken and The Forbidden all great warriors and protectors of the present. And The Pures, they were Intelligence and justice and they held the future. No King, No Lord, No Priest, or Man that was to hold a High title was named without a Pure present to oversee the condition of their soul. The Pures lived in the scared lands, where thing rare to us was a normal commodity to them. Their Lands were made from sliver, diamonds and onyx.

The Pures intelligence and justice were unmatched in every race. They were gentle and peace loving. They held discipline in high regard. They saw the world in terms of light and dark; Diamond and onyx.

Then it came, a year in the time of renaming a new king, the High Prince of Juntu, the ruling kingdom of that time, was rejected as the heir to the throne and his younger brother was named in his stead.

The world was shocked when the Pure overseeing the ritual disnamed the young Prince. However, the world could not see the dormant anger and bloodlust that laid in the former Prince’s heart and soul. The Pure knew once the Prince tasted war he would become a cruel manipulator.

The young Prince loved his brother and could not fault him for the decision made by the Pure. No the young Prince took to loathing the harboring a potent animosity for the Pures.

The young Prince fled, and in secret grew a powerful force to demolish the Pure Race. Twenty years passed and still he loathed and lost himself in the obsession of tasting Pure Blood. However he could not find the opportune moment to strike at the race. Years of searching brought him no more closer to his goal that when he first set eyes on it.

Finally the moment came to him in the form of a letter from his youngest sister of whom he was very close to even after the disgrace. She was now thirty-one and had just had her fifth child with her devoted husband of nearing twelve years. She also informed him of their dear mothers passing who had been blessed as dead only an hour post her child’s birth. She also informed him that there was heated tension between Sacred Races. The Pures had denied the great title and honor of General , to one of the Forbidden’s greatest young warrior, who had hoped to follow in his father’s footsteps.

The Prince took this opportunity to search out the young warrior and console him. The warrior held the same hatred for the Pures as the Prince did and was soon given the title of General over the Princes forces.

Now the Prince was ready and on the night of the Veiled Moon he struck fast and viciously. His blood thirsty troops went through and killed, raped, and tortured the entire Race. By the end of the night the once mighty race of two million was razed to only three hundred. Those who were left had made it to the safety of the Forsaken Mountains, where the Forsaken Warriors sheltered them and hid them away from the Princes malevolent grasp.

The Forbidden was now considered traitors, and the horrors of that night sent many of the great Elders into a depressive slumber.

The Prince took over the Scared land of the Pures and called it his kingdom. He sent out troops to the kingdoms far and broad to kill off any Pures that were left. He also sent out a decree to every kingdom and Race stating that if any of them were protecting Pures they would be immediately considered Foe, and dealt with accordingly.

The Prince now had what he wanted and so he reins over his people and people of other nations like a bored tyrant in need of entertainment. Well he had all but his queen. He searches for her and it is even said that he keeps a Seer in hops to find her identity or where she will be next.”  

I sat there and took in the story, wrapping my head around the facts and sorting out the dates.

“Mist.” he said breaking through the haze that had fallen over my mind as I tried to comprehend all of this.

“Mist, your family was killed not just by some random coincidence. No your family, well your father he was a Pure. The Prince sent out his best, The Forbidden Warrior because he thought your father to be the last. The orders were to kill all no survivors of any kind.” this news struck my baffled mind and sent shock pouring over me making me immobile.

“I know this is much to take… however there is more.” He said completely serious and I tried to make room in my mind for the information so that I could store it for later to contemplate.

“You my dear, child, are the soul keeper of the Key to an ancient city once lost but was found when it was most needed. You hold the Key to the gates of Shankibal. Once Forgotten, Twice Forsaken, and always Forbidden. It is the realm where the Warriors first sprang from and now it is the home, the protector of the Pures.”  He finished, well I thought he had until he spoke again and said,

“Oh and you’re the Queen, the Prince has been searching for.” 

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