Reunions and Still More Surprises

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I was too stunned to even speak as The Avenger and the Old Stranger took me down the stairs and into the city. Everything blurred before me the bustling people, how exotic they looked. All of them having pitch black hair and either white irises out lined in black, bright sliver or bright blue eyes. They each had very regal faces with sharps features and held themselves with dignity and honor. The clothing they wore was simple yet it looked as if it was made from the finest cotton and linen, of course it too was white. Yet they wore black and silver accessories. They hand no shoes nor did they have any need for them. The sun shined on the stone city warming the bricks and keeping the place at a slightly warmer than I was comfortable with in my completely black thick cloak, linen shirt, soft leather pants and knee high boots.

The more we walked the more we were noticed and the more the people whispered. Soon we were surrounded by the people who all stared at us curiously. I had to say it was defiantly something I was not used to. Even if I could not see before, I could feel the fear, anger and hatred towards what I was now, but here, there was only strong curiosity and slight exuberant joy. I was contemplating all of this when I heard,

“Let me through! I will see if it is true. If it is true then he had better hope God has mercy on his soul.” The voice sounded like that of an elderly woman.

“Looks like mom heard.” The avenger spoke softly to his father.

“You think? Your mother hears, sees and knows everything.” he responded sound a mix between nervousness and pure longing to see his wife and adoration for her skilled talents.

Just then an elderly woman, followed by a woman who had with her three energetic children and four other elder, strolled through the part in the crowd as if she was queen of the world. All was silent as her piercing white eyes, scrutinized our little group. Finally she spoke.

“And where have you been?” she said to the Old Stanger, marching up to him and getting right in his face. She was short, but so were many of the women in the city. They had to have been no taller than five feet and four inches. And each just as stunning and petite as the next, the men however ranged from five, seven to six foot five.

This woman though tiny was fierce, she had an aura around her that said stay in line or I will put face down on it.

“You said you were going to warn Erzrak and return soon with his family. And when you didn’t return and the Warriors had no choice but to close the gate, I thought the Prince had gotten you as well. And here you are strutting in like you never left in the first place.” by the end of her rant she had tears in her eyes which flowed freely when she talk about the Prince. The Old Stranger took his wife in his arms and held on to her like she would fade away from him.

“Oh my Love, how I wish I could have seen the future and not even have left in the first place. but the future can only be seen by the souls and only they will show us if we pay the price.” he spoke, sorrow lacing his every word. This new caused her to sob loudly, the people around us lowered their heads mourning with this strong woman. I had an idea of who they were mourning, but I needed confirmation.

I turned to The Avenger, seeing him watch the couple in agony and pain. He caught my gaze and it didn’t waver. Nothing was spoken; the only sound was that of a broken mothers cry. Then I spoke knowing that this could go one no longer.

“I think it’s time I got my answers.” the woman heard me and turned on me with a ferociously growl.

“I find that my eldest son is dead and all you can think of is getting your answers?” she was upset and hurting she needed someone to blame, and though yes I seemed inconsiderate, I had a gut feeling telling me that I was connected somehow with her sorrow. So I took the blame.

“I lost both my sons in that massacre; I almost lost my daughter as well. Do not think that your petty questions are more important than a mother’s grief.” she snarled.

“Then why does this Avenger call your husband father?” my voice may have been quiet, but it was heard. She finally looked in the direction of the Avenger. there was only a second of registering his face, recognizing it and finally rushing into his arms and holding him tightly.

“Oh my boy. Oh my boy. my boy, my boy!” she repeated over and over new tears coming to the surface. there was a shift in the crowd, from one of depression and great sadness to wonder and curiosity.

“Hello mother.” The avenger spoke his deep voice rumbling over the happy sobs of the woman. it was then that the woman with the children walked up, she tightly embraced her father, and soon her brother. I smiled at the family, happy to see that some happiness come to these scarred and haunted souls. Soon everyone was laughing and welcoming the two men back to where would now be their home. This lasted for a bit and I found myself hidden in the shadows, a place where I felt safe in, a place that I would always be welcome in.

I felt a tug on my cloak; I look down to see an elderly woman standing there with a cane. She held wisdom of many generations in her eyes. Her eyes very a dark rich emerald, which shocked me greatly. She smiled at me when she saw my shock.

“The men you brought to us, are very important to us. The woman, Reva, she is the clan matriarch. Thaeron, her husband, is the clan patriarch. Their son, Nerish, he was to be a great Shaman, His sister, Liliona, she is now wed to a Forsaken Warrior, who had followed her here because they were soul mates.” she stop speaking as a cheer rang out among the crowd.

“And what of Erzrak?” I asked. She sighed.

“He was to be the clan patriarch, however he found his mate in a human woman far from the Sacred lands. she was scared to be in the land of the pure, so he gave his title to Nerish, who took it with honor and hoped to lead his people as well if not better than is father and brother.” she spoke looking out at the crowd. I thought of this information for a bit before asking a question that buried itself deep in my mind.

“Nerish, said he was an Avenger before the genocide. How is it possible that his mother lost him during?”

She chuckled and said,

“You are very observant and wise. You will make a fair queen. But yes Nerish lied. There is many things that he must tell you still so do not hold that against him. He only wishes to protect you.” she said patting my arm. I was about to answer her when Nerish, came up to us. A spark of rejuvenation burned in his eyes.

“Ah Lady Shaman. it is such a pleasure to see you after all these years. you still look as old as ever.” he jested with the old woman causing her to playfully scowl at him.

“Still the young jester you always were.”  she smiled at him brightly.

“It is good to see you too my pupil. Though you look a bit more hardened and well more.” she said, her green eyes catching my attention again.

“Your eyes…” I trailed off, blushing when both turned my way. They smiled at me and Nerish, threw his arm over my shoulders and lead me through the crowd and over to what looked to be a pub. The shaman following us not bothered by the over exuberant crowd.

“Yes dear one they are not like the others. I am like you, a hybrid. Save I am a mix of a Pure and Elder Oak, hence the green eyes.” she said and then vanished as I was pulled into the pub doors and then brought a mug of ale. There was feasting and partying well into the night, we laugh and danced and all was well.

However, I was glad for the respite from all the information I had received. For morning come, and so would another great shock, the truth and identity of my family.       

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