"Hasten the Call; Prepare for War!"

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"What was that?" The Warrior asked. Liliona had finally convinced her children to stay with her brother while the three of us went with her mother. Reva had walked into their home looking as white as a sheet, and told us that the three of us were wanted in the council chambers.

 Reva walked in front of us her back straight and her hands shaking. Something within the chambers had frightened her, and that thought alone had my stomach churning. What if the darkness threatened her?

'Then how dare he!' my mind spoke and I agreed. But I did not have time to ask her for we had reached the thick door of the council chambers. A powerful presence oozed from behind the door, suffocating me. I had felt this presence before but he did not belong in this peaceful place. The council doors swung open and there in the center of the room stood Hades right hand man and my commander, Edam. The look on his face told me I was not going to enjoy what he had to say but I will not have a choice in the matter.

"Mist, it has been too long since I have felt your presence in the world." Edam greeted me with a small nod of his head.

"It has been, and I am eager to return." I returned the greeting with my mentor. Silence reigned on as Edam waited for Reva to speak, and when she did not he just spoke for her.

"Mist, there is much you must know and so very little time to explain it all to you. You know you are the destined Queen for the Deadland's king and that he has had a seer searching for you and that you are the true destined matriarch for the Pure race. However, you do not know why Darkness is attacking you nor the whole story of the seer." I did not question Edam, if he said the seer's life had any connection to mine other than searching for me then I would listen.

"Mist, the Avenger that brought you here has found his mate and as you know had a daughter with her. But what you much know is that his mate has another daughter with a man that wanted her because she was the most beautiful creature in his kingdom and those bordering his. She herself is a pure blooded Seer and the other man has very little Pure within him but it still there. That man is feared by many and those who hated him are no more.  He delved into the darkest arts and hoped to teach his wife and daughter his ways.

 He loved his wife and daughter but felt as though his wife never truly gave all she could. He was content for he held a part of her and she, a part of him, until the Seer found her true mate. At that time her daughter was fifteen and could see and understand the connection her mother had for this man that was not her father. She did not speak of it to any and continued her studies of the dark arts.

Months passed and the Seer and her mate mated continued their secret relationship and she conceived. In fear she confided in her daughter, she did not want to lose her child and the King would surely kill the babe and her mate. So the daughter out of love for her mother and unborn sister devised a plan to help her mother escape and to live forever with her mate. The plan was successful but the repercussions were devastating.

The king had always known that his wife's true mate was a Pure and it did not take a while to figure out that she had met him and then run off with her mate. So the enraged king cursed the race in secret and cursed the Pure and his family.  But as in every dark art there will be a light counterpart and so a savior of the Pure's was born from the very family that the king cursed." Edam finished and I started to place the pieces together.

"So Nerish has a wife back in the labyrinth city who is someone else wife as well. And he has a daughter who has a half sister who also happens to be the Seer for my mate who has been searching for me, even though he destroyed my people and his men killed off my family and are my next target." I checked off the items off and waited for Edam to respond.

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