Confusion and Even More Questions

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thanked the gods for my advanced senses or I would have been flat on my face the second I hit the rocky incline at full speed.

I could no longer see my soul for he had turned into the cave the second I left Lucan. I let my frustration fuel me as I reached the mouth of the cave. The cave itself was a stark contrast to the open plane I had been racing on for the last half day. Inside the cave it was dank and chilled me to the bone. However I pushed on willing myself further into the deep abyss in search of my foolish soul.

The moss that carpeted the caverns floor dulled my footsteps and the continuous dripping of water was beginning to grate on my nerves. at least I knew there was no light so whether I could see or not wouldn’t have mattered. I ruefully though on how I would just spend my days forever in a cave if I had a chance. Then being blind wouldn’t matter.

I tugged on the bond I had with Asher periodically, but no matter how hard I pushed I never seemed closer to him and to make my day even better I was sure I was running in circles.

Finally I could push myself no further and unceremoniously collapsed onto the thick moss carpeting. I laid there gasping for precious air, never once had I been pushed past my ever extensive limits but this place seemed to just drain me to the last drop.  I listened in despair and frustration to the continuous sounds of the cavern.  

Drip, Drip, Drip… Swish… Drip, Drip, Drip… Spark… Drip, Drip, Drip…

I shot up when my mistake was made clear to me.

Drip, Drip… Swish… Drip, Drip, Drip…Hum…


The entire cave was buzzing with it. the magic was like a live wire causing everything to hum with the urethral vibrance that could only be the works of a very strong magic.

I took a deep breath to clear my frantic mind. I had no knowledge on what emotions this magic feed off of so the best thing to do was to become emotionless, to have no thoughts.

Every form of magic needed to feed from an emotion, that’s the basis of all magic in this realm. In all truth, the magic of this world was nothing more than conjured illusions. The stronger the emotional feed the deeper the magic could seep into one’s mind and eventually, ones soul; drawing you deeper into the spell.

This magic however, began to recede as I became a blank slate. The cave became colder and the moss gave way to the viscous floor of the cave.  The roar of water further down the cave piqued my curiosity though I was quick to hide it.

 I followed the sound, like an obedient servant to his master’s call. My foot falls echoed loudly against the walls. Soon I was so close to the rushing water that I could feel the gentle spray of the cave waterfall. it was there I found Asher sitting upon a rock, grinning like a fool.

“You finally made it.” he said smugly.

A fury ignited within but I was careful to keep it hidden from the magic by ignoring his jibe and focusing on how wondrous it would be to torture him. He didn’t take to kindly to my silence.

“I must say it was quiet a pleasing sight to see you running in circles for hours.”  Asher’s jibes were becoming increasingly hard to ignore. But just as I was about to tell him to shut his trap, a genteel voice rose over the volume of the river.

“Asher, It is unwise to anger your Avenger.” The voice was sweet and held a slight chime.

“You are the one we have been waiting for.” The much closer voice spoke before anyone of us could react.

“Please, come with me. My father has been waiting for your arrival for ages.” The voice was that of an adolescent girl, I concluded. The lit in her voice told me she was either high noble or Royal blood. Whatever she was I did not trust her nor did I care, I needed to get Asher and return to Lucan. This mission is dragging on longer than id like it to. They might be my Revenge as well but that didn’t mean I wanted to wait this out any longer nor did I have to like the prospect of taking even more lives. Edam and Hades both have told me that I am one of the more innocent Avengers. They think it has something to do with me being so young when I was made.

“The small child has been retrieved and the magic was only a precaution. Please, you don’t realize just how important or unique you truly are.” The voice pleased. I was still unsure until she spoke again.

“Leo, the Spell-Binder, He gave you trinkets, did he not?”  She asked in a final attempt to sway me. She pressed on when I remained silent.

“He gave you a key, didn’t he? It’s the key to an ancient city, buried deep in this land. My people guard the gate into it. The key unlocks that gate.” I stiffen.  How does she know this?

“Oh, stop begging. She won’t come lest it pleases her. The selfish avenger like the rest.” Asher spoke bitterly. Now my fury made itself known. In a blink I held the soul against the cavern wall letting him know I had the upper hand in this situation.

“You know nothing about me or my kind. Do not insult me, or I will take your soul myself, orders be damned.” I growled out.

“She is right Asher.” The girl spoke again, and for the second time, I realized, directly to Asher; as if she could see him.

“What are you?” I answered measured, my guard up and my stance ready for anything… well almost anything.

“I am Farah. A half Avenger.” she replied. I remained silent as I processed this. Only a few of our kind ever truly became free, even so those that obtain it choose and afterlife over continuing to live; too many scars and demons to handle with our already broken sanity.

I know of one avenger who gained his freedom however, he disappeared before Hades could give him his choices. Could it be him?

A noise drew me out of my inquires and frightened the girl to the bones.

“Please avenger we must go, now!” Her command was a pleading whimper and even Asher became stiff at her reaction.

I focused on the noise and soon enough I could make out the distinct rattling of armor and the clang of swords and chainmail as soldiers marched, though it was far off.

“Please, I promise you will get the answers to your questions even those you never knew to ask.” her voice sounded more panicked now. I was indecisive for only a moment.

“And Lucan is safe in your care right this moment?” I questioned, making my decision.

“Yes, yes.” Her voice held a sliver of relief and hope, as I snatched Asher’s wrist and waited for her to lead us to her Father.

“This way.” she spoke eagerly as she gripped my hand taking me by surprise.

She led Asher and I through the waterfall and deep into the heart of the cave, through a labyrinth of churning and disorientating tunnels.

Then just when I could take no more of the twist and turns, I felt the tunnel open and bright sunlight poured over my skin. Now I was thoroughly confused.

“Oh, Wow.” Asher’s breathless response to the sight told me it was quiet magnificent. However, all things forgotten, my attention was drawn to the only other being I could see besides souls and the habitants of the underworld… an Avenger.  

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