A Mate's Dream

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 Running. It's an amazing feeling, like you're flying just above the surface of the earth. It clears your mind so that you only think of your footing and your destination. Even though I did not have a clear destination, I did know all I wanted was to be as far away from the city as I could.

Within three days time I find that the people I must kill are the under orders from the King of the Deadlands, and not only am I part of the people he swore to destroy and massacred, I am his mate, I was meant for him. I also find that I was granted my sight back and that the chiefs of this city were in fact my grandparents.

I thought I was alone for years since the day of my Changing. I had steeled myself against the onset of depression that came with such thoughts. And now that I have found not only my sight but also the lost pieces of my past, I fear them.

I feel betrayal and defeat but also anxiousness. I fear that I am not worthy of their love nor a place in their hearts.

I have been in the world of the Avengers far longer than I have been in the world of my past. I taught myself survival and that is all I know. I know not how to be a granddaughter nor a niece and cousin. I only know the harsh cold of seclusion and broken sanity.

I now had what all the young avengers wished for so desperately. I had a mate and a family, I even had my sight. But I did not wish for any of those things, I was content being an Avenger. I would have been fine with just completing the mission and going into the afterlife. Now I have others to think of.

What would my passing do to those here? They have searched for so long and had given up ever finding any sign of their lost family and now that they have me, could I truly just go on with my duty?

AndLucan, the child would be left alone if I chose my afterlife. I had promised him that I would not leave him.

I had not realized that I had slowed to a walk until I found myself slowly rounding a corner and finding myself looking upon the lake at the base of the mountain.

'I ran that far?' Of course I did.

I sighed to myself and looked for a place to rest. All I wanted was to rest and think on all the complication later. Finding a soft patch of grass beneath a willowy tree beside the river I lay down and wrapped my cloak around me tight before allowing my withered mind to find its solstice in sleep.  


I felt more than I could see in this dream. It reminded me of being blind, yet I knew I could open my eyes and I would be able to see all of my surroundings.

I shifted against the rough bark of a tree, finding comfort in the smooth sensation of long grass dancing in the warm breeze. I felt the sun shine across my face, warming my very soul. I felt the earth sigh in contentment as this peaceful realm continued on with its journey.

I knew this was a dream for the simple fact that such peace does not exist in the realm where I hearken to.

Sluggishly I opened my eyes and gazed out at this world. The grass was golden and the sky a rich vibrant blue. The lower branches of the tree filtered the sun's rays in a pattern only trees could create. I looked up to see emerald green leaves with silver underbellies rattling above me, only then did I realize the true massiveness of this tree. It grew so tall it could rival a mountain and its circumference was so wide that I was sure twenty fully grown men could just barely span it.  

A sound of utter joy bubbled out from the back of my throat. I felt light and whole I wasn’t going to let my darkness destroy this world. I would enjoy this until sleep threw me from its fortress.

"I love that sound." And just like that my guard slammed back into place. I refused to make a sound or even move, for I know knew I was no longer alone.

"Please forgive me for startling you. I truly did not mean it." The voice was coming from behind me on the other side of the tree.

I slowly tiled me head to each side thinking of catching a glimpse of the owner.

"You will not be able to see me just as I cannot see you." the longing in the voice made my heart clench. Still I did not speak I only kept silent not knowing what to say.

"Please will you not speak to me? Will you not let me hear you honey voice?"

"What would you have me say?"

"Anything just let me know you are still here."

"Who are you?" the question was innocent yet I felt a darkness wash over the speaker.

"You will not wish to speak to me if I told you."  The voice had a hint of broken longing within it. I wanted to make the hurt go away to comfort him. Something within me stirred his answer didn’t settle well with me, I wanted to know more, to know more.

"Then tell me something." I tried to hide the exasperation in my voice but I could not. His deep chuckle vibrated deep in my soul calming me.

"You can call me Arazem." The pain was still there but the speaker did his best to try and hide it so I didn’t comment on it.

"I am called Mist. I have long forgotten my true name." I spoke giving him as much as he would give me.

"You have forgotten your true name?" he sounded incredulous as if that sort of thing didn’t happen. But I had seen it many times every new avenger either choose a new name or was given one.

"Yes, have you never come across such a thing?" I asked

"You asked as if it is an occurrence you have witnessed many times. But no I have not for in my culture and those around me a being is nothing without their true name." he spoke his curiosity plain in his voice.

"Well I am not a culture per say but more a new beginning for those who are chosen." My voice became a whisper toward the end, I did not like to dwell on the memories of my change. The speaker was silent for a while.

"Was it painful?" he finally spoke his voice no higher than a whisper as if he was afraid to ask.


We spoke no more each in our own thoughts each feeling the other's heart break. IT felt like a life time before either of us spoke but it was a welcomed reprieve from my memories.

"I am a king." Then everything fell into place and I felt myself begin to fall out of this world.

"Please no don’t leave yet please." He begged and pleaded. No matter what I was told or what I was lead to think, a part of me could not hate him could not just leave him like this. But what could I leave him with? My name. an explanation of why I could not remember my true name. A light grew in front of me and the wind rushed as if trying to drag me through the light by force. So I stood and turned to face the tree. The tree became a thin almost see though veil. I saw a figure on the other side head hung in defeat and shoulder shaking.

"Please don't leave me." He kept repeating. I knelt in front of him and reached out; my hand went through the veil and touched his shoulder. He started and jerked his head up I could not make out any details only that he was looking at me. He held still and just as I felt my dream self give way I said,

"My name is gone, because I am an Avenger." And like that the world fell apart and I came awake being harshly shaken.

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