Strangers and Improvisation

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“The gate is just ahead.” He spoke though I could barely make out what he was saying.  My mind was on the dense magic that was now suffocating my senses. This magic was old and extremely powerful. I felt power like this before. The times I went to Hades I would be overwhelmed by his immense power that I would have to take a few minutes to just remind myself how to breathe.

I felt a shift in the air, I grabbed The Avenger and I threw us to the ground. We had barely managed to hit the ground before a large object whooshed by our heads. The creature left out a snarl before trying again.

“We work together on this.” The avenger said before we booth rolled opposite ways, leaving the creature to snatch at the air. The magic thick air impaired my senses, but I would have to make do. I thought back to my training, how I had no choice but to improvise quickly, and if all else fail at least be able to make you opponent immobile for long enough for you to get away.

The air shifted again as the creature went after the Avenger. I took a deep breath and worked out the creatures sent and the way it sounded. It took me four seconds to analyze and pinpoint the creature.

Minotaur, nasty things. I could take down Hades precious Hell hounds, then this shouldn’t be too difficult. I’m not saying I will be easy, but I’m not going to sweat over it. I calculated where the creature was and prepared my attack. I snuck up behind the large beast that was not locked with the Avenger, oblivious to my silent approach.

“Now!” I didn’t waste any time as I drew my sword and beheaded the monster as The Avenger shoved it my way. Everything was dead still as the large beast fell with a sickening thud.

“You are worthy.” a voice spoke. I whipped around, sword at the ready.

“No.” The Avenger placed his hand on my shoulder, halting me from doing any damage to the stranger.

“He’s a friend.” It took me a second to relax; once I did I sheathed my sword. I felt the stranger walk up to me.

“My, haven’t you grown. Granted the last time I saw you, you were only just learning how to crawl and get into things.” the stranger spoke. The voice was male, and gruff with age and wisdom. It held a slight adoration as he spoke to me, like an elder family member would speak to a long lost child they had once knew. I was confused as to how and why this man so far deep in this Forsaken cavern would ever even know of my existence.

“You must be mistaken.” I spoke with a firm voice. I wanted my answers so that I could return to Lucan. The little boy had wormed his way through my defenses and made himself at home deep in my heart.

“Oh my dear, I know you. I have watched you from afar whenever you would rise to the realm of the living.” The man chuckled. His confession caused my anger to spark within me. But before it could rise to an uncontrollable level the Avenger spoke.

“Come, Father. We must get her to the gate she is anxious to return to the child almost as anxious as she is to have her questions answered.” The avenger took my arm and led my a few steps forward, then he placed my hand on an icy cold smooth surface that felt out of place in the cavern yet, completely at home with in the rocky confines. I traced the outlines of the intricate details on the metallic surface. a few places were rough with rust and decay, however the Gate stood tall and firm.

“Guide me to the lock.” and he did just that. Placing my hand on the heavy, cast iron lock, that not only was very intricate but riddled with powerful magic. The kind of magic that was used to keep and unwanted meddlers out. I raised my other hand to my neckline where I felt for the leather strap that held the small key. Once I dragged the key out from the confines of my shirt, it began to pulse; calling out for the lock. I was not sure how I was supposed to unlock the thing seeing as I could not  see where the key hole was nor which side was the right side for the key. But I continued to bring the key closer to its destination.

Then it happened. A flash of light and I saw what was needed of me before all went black again. I placed the hand with the key close to the lock and opened my hand. A second passed before the key flung out of my hand and into the lock with a definite click. Suddenly the gate heated up and a light grew bright and strong. Then the noises began, clicks, sliding, thuds, groaning and clank of metal gears moving after years of no movement. The sudden silence left my ears ringing, and my head pounding.

“That’s it?” the Stranger asked.

“No it can’t be. The gate didn’t even open.” The avenger sounded like someone who just lost all of their hope in a crushing blow. I hadn’t even realized I was on the ground until the stranger gently touched my arm and help me rise. In all honesty I was a dumbfounded as the both of them. Why such a great show of power to just leave it as it was? The stranger had left me to go try and placate the Avenger. I stood there staring in what I knew to be the direction of the gate.  I didn’t know how or why I knew, I just did.

“hmmm.” I thought on what could be wrong but I knew that thinking over it too deeply would take time that we didn’t have so I did what I was good at. I improvised.

In one fluid motion I slammed my foot into the lock as hard as I could, causing the gate to rattle and a few lose rocks to skitter to the floor.

“Why would you do that!?” the Avenger stormed up to me. But just as he reached me the Gate gave a groan and then slowly creaked open.  I smirked up at him.

“You were saying?” I felt victorious and just slightly arrogant and I was going to enjoy that feeling for a few minutes while I could. The stranger chuckled and gave me his arm so that he could lead me through the gate and to the place where my answers lay.

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