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I was left alone now. Sitting here as the night drew close just trying to make sense of it all. Asher had tried to approach me; however I could do little more than sit staring ahead of my thinking of what I was to do now. I let my mind freak out and run off with ridiculous notions, but when I figured that had gone on long enough and my sanity was once again at its edge of breaking, I sorted out all the questions I had into' imperative' and 'can wait till later'. Once I knew what I needed to ask I went off in search for the other Avenger to get my answers.

Obviously, my impending questions were predicted, because the second I reentered the inside of the castle, I was met with a energetic squeeze from Farah.

"Oh I'm so glad you here still! Come, come we have much to do!" she exclaimed and tried to pull me away however ended up on her behind as I stood firm.

"No." I growled, I needed my answers and I was going to get them now.

"Take me to your father, I have questions and he has my answers." I ordered firmly. I felt her disappointment but she still complied and took me to where her father was.

She took me to an anteroom, where she proceeded to call her father and some refreshments. Her father and the tea arrived simultaneously. However my answers did not. Farah was staling, and my temper was rising.

"Enough!" Farah jumped in her seat and snapped her mouth shut.

"Farah, though I do enjoy your company, there is very important events and things that need be discussed now, so you can either stay and be very still, or you can leave and I will find you later." Her father said.

"Yes, Father. I will see you after." Farah said and quietly stood leaving us to our discussions.

"Now Mist, ask away." He said sitting back and waiting for my questions.

"Lucan. Where is he?" I said almost immediately.

"He is with us and when all is done here we will go to dinner and he will be there, never to leave your side again."

"Is Asher with Lucan?"

"Yes, at all times."

"You have a seer." It was a statement and he knew it as well.


"She knew I was coming and how I would be."


"The Prince. He is the King of the Deadlands, isn't he?"


"The Warrior, he is the one who killed my family, and Lucan's?"


"You know where the Gate is."


"Then take me there." I said. I was curious of my heritage, and I knew the true people to ask about that lay hidden.

"Not now. Tomorrow after you have rested." he said as he stood and held out his hand for me to take.

"One more question." I said taking his hand and standing.

"One?" he asked amused and placed my hand on his arm.

"My horse?" I could sense his smile as he took us out of the room and down to where dinner was being held.

"She is resting along with my own. She is in good hands." he said before we entered a busy room filled with cheers and laughter. We made our way to, what I supposed to be the head of the tables.

"Mist!" Lucan's voice pierced through all other noise and soon I felt two arms wrap themselves around my knees. I couldn't help but chuckle at him and rub his head affectionately like a sister would to their baby sibling. I picked him up and found our seats. He played with my fingers and I joined in conversations here and there, answering the questions of curious minds. We ate stew and drank rich dark wines, well Lucan had water and we listened to entertainment in forms of songs and limericks and poems.

It was quite late when Lucan finally fell asleep in my arms and I asked a maid to lead my back to my quarter. I bid my good nights and silently followed. I laid Lucan down, took off his shoes, and made sure he was covered well.

I was getting myself ready for bed when a voice spoke up.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say that you were actually enjoying yourself." I turn to find Asher leaning against the wall. I thought back over the night and I found that I actually did have a good time. My guard was down more than I had ever put it down since my turning.

"Yes, I did." I replied to Asher as I climbed into the bed and laid next to Lucan. I closed my eyes not concerned with Asher's presence.

"How do you stay sane, and so beautiful, Mist?" Asher asked his fingers slightly skimming my cheek, before disappearing.

All Hail The Mist (Prv. Avengers-- Mist) Book INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ