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   The Warrior and I made it back to the city just as night fell. We had continued to talk about different things that weren't important. I found myself feeling free and relaxing, all my worries were pushed aside for a short time and I could think on my own thoughts. By the time we set foot in the city I was smiling freely and my heart was light. 

"Papa‼" two young children came running out of nowhere jumped on to their father, laughing as the Warrior fell to the ground taking his children with him.

"Ah you got me." He called out and groaned as if he was hurt. I could not help but enjoy the sight and the mirth of my little cousins.

As I stood there watching the scene unfold before me, I felt a slight tug on my trousers. I looked down and saw a little girl holding her arms out to me. Her clear silver eyes pleading with me. I grinned and lifted the sweet child into my arms. She giggled as I twirled with her and a bright smile light up her innocent face.

"She is called Amani, the lady of light." Her mother spoke and came to stand by my side and watch her family play. Laughter was the only sound that reigned over the night. The two boys began to tire as the moon began its nightly trek and I had not noticed when the little girl in my arms fallen asleep. The father picked up his two sons and we began to make our way back to their home in the center of the city.

The closer we came to the inner city the more restless I became. Something was off and I was not the only one to notice.

"Liliona, stay close to me." The Warrior spoke softly as to not wake and frighten his sons. The wind that was once a gentle quiet breeze began to pick up speed and began to howl through the empty alleys. We picked up our pace, and soon found ourselves at their home. I handed Liliona her daughter.

"Quick mother, inside!" the Warrior exclaimed. I heard darkness in the wind and it was coming for us, I had felt this darkness before but I had never confronted it, for it had moved to swiftly from my grasp. But it had stopped before me and took shape of a man with not features before Edam had sent it away.

"Inmar, you must never allow that darkness inside you, for he is a dangerous man. If you ever feel his presence again, go to the light for he cannot enter pure true light."  Edams warning echoed through my mind as the howling became louder, this man wanted my soul and he would get it now if I did not get to the light. I quickly pushed the Warrior into his home before I stepped inside and shut the door.

The wind slammed into the door repeatedly, the howling drowning out any other noise and causing the door to rattle and shake under the force. The commotion caused the children to wake with fright. The boys were in their father's arms screaming for it to stop. Liliona held on to her daughter with all her might. I pushed against the door trying to hold out the wind and the darkness as he slammed against the home of my family. Soon a black mist began to poor from the cracks of the home, it came to me trying to suffocate and drown me. There was no light where I was but I feared that if I let go for even a moment the man would gain the power and entrance he needed.

The darkness pulled at me trying to pull me from the hold I had on the door, it tried to sway my mind and my thoughts. It promised so much but I knew it to be only empty vows.

"Come my sweet. Allow me to enter." His voice wooed my mind, and for a fraction I felt my strength give. Then a cry rang out through the dark and cut through his spell.

"No! You will not have her. Not now and not ever!" There in the midst of the dark stood young Amani, facing off with this man of darkness. I watched as the featureless man towered over the young girl. In that moment all time stopped. The man of darkness stooped to her level and the little girl stood her ground glaring at the man. A harsh chuckle rang out from the man as he got close to her face and spoke.

"And what makes a little slip of a girl think that she can keep me away from what I want?" His voice reminded me of a serpent, hissing at the inference of his meal, thought it also held wisdom and time. I feared for my little cousin and just as I was going to give myself over to him just so she would not have to be bothered by him she spoke. And I will never forget the words.

"However long the night, the dawn will break, and you servant of the darkness will not defeat the Lady of Light!" And just like that light began to glow around her and spread until I could no longer look at the scene before me. I heard the darkness give off a terrifying scream before vanishing into the night once more.

Once again peaceful silence reigned over the city, the wind was calm and the moon was only half way through his trek. But we, in this home, we found our breath again and little Amani, ran to me and cried into my chest as I held her. And that is how the elders found us, A Warrior holding his two sons and his wife in the far corner of the room and an Avenger guarding the front door with a sleeping child strewn over her.


  I know this is shorter than usual, however I am working on the next chapter. I am having a bit of difficulty working with the king and getting him down from his rage. 

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