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The Kings POV

I listened to her whimpers and screams. Pitiful creature, how dare she keep from me what was always mine?! I pushed down my rage as it threatened to surface once more. Now wasn't the time, I would get every ounce of information from Jade and then turn her loose to the wolves.

I grinned as I pictured the fitting death of my seer.

"Your Majesty." A servant entered hastily and just managed a proper bow. He was out of breath. Whatever the news it was urgent.

"Speak." I faced him head on and waited with thinning patients as the man gulped down air.  

"They.. they come my lord." He managed.

"Who comes?" My general demanded but the man had suddenly gone as white as a sheet. He pointed behind me.

Drawing my sword I turned ready to confront any attacker, or so I thought.

 There in the same room as the seer a dark haze covered everything. I felt its eyes on me but I could not see a definite shape only darkness.

"Young King, I did not come here to harm you and I am not the one your servant has informed you of." A cruel voice spoke.

"Then who are you?" I demanded not enjoying the shiver of fear this presence installed in me.

"I am the puppet master. I have pulled on the strings of destiny and in turn you responded as I wished." The voice was cruel and dark no kindness to it.

"I did as I pleased; I was subjects to no one's commands." I sneered at the darkness.  There was a chilling and emotionless laugh.

"Boy you weren't fit to be king unless I wished it so. You and the rest of the people in this pathetic plane of existence only does as I wish no one is free  to do as they please." He spat out the last word sparking my rage. I lived under no one's rule but my own! But the seed of doubt began to fester in my mind.

"Alas I did not come here to make idle chit chat but to warn you and to retrieve my pet." My gaze flickered to the prone figure of my former seer; of course she would be a spy. My blood boiled.

"Yes, yes let your rage build it will serve you well." I pushed down my anger and forced myself to listen to the darkness.

"Serve me well for what?" I managed to ground out.

"For war of course. The Pures are on their way now. They have found a false hope in the form of a queen. I am here to watch the entertainment unfold." He began to disperse from the room, but something was off. I could feel it and somewhere deep in my soul I knew that his words didn't all ring true.

"My lord, Darkness. I ask that you leave the seer with me for if there truly is to be war upon my people then I will need her skills." Mentally I hoped that he would grant my request, Jade would give me greater answers and I truly would need her in battle. I felt the darkness contemplate my request.  

"very well, my pet shall stay on the condition you marry her and make her your queen." The darkness felt smug. I gritted my teeth My mate should be my queen and I said I would make no other my queen before her, but I needed answers and a seer for the upcoming battle. With as much hatred I accepted his condition. His laughter rang through my very soul.

 "Pleasure doing business with you, your Highness‼" the darkness retreated and soon I found I could breathe a bit easier until my rage resurfaced.

"Prepare for war! And fetch me the priest." I ordered bracing my hands on the stone wall.

"My King?" my general questioned.

"I am to make Jade my bride and my queen." I spat out. The general left me be shouting orders and demanding a priest be sent to me immediately.  

"Well my little seer, it looks as though you will get what you wished for after all." I hurried out to my chambers there was much to do.


Mist's POV

"No Lucan you and Asher must stay here." I tried to placate the young child but he only continued to ball and beg to come with.

"Mist it's time to prepare."  Farah informed me solemnly. I nodded to her not quite used to being able to see her. She lead me deep into the palace and knocked on an impressive set of carved wooden doors.

"Enter." a feminine voice beckoned. The doors parted to reveal an impressive study filled with books, trinkets and a collection of dried and fresh herbs. The doors shut firmly behind us and a hiss of silk skirts caressing the floor drew my attention to the elegant woman in the room. She was tall, regal and graceful. Her skin was fair and her hair a deep chestnut that ran down her back in soft waves. But it was her eyes that gave her away. Glowing blood red eyes that saw more than you wished. This was Queen Rosana, the reason the Pures were hunted down.

I gave a shallow unsteady bow. I didn't quite know how I felt about this woman.

"Welcome Mist. I know you are unsure of me and my motives but I assure you they are for you not against you. You must prepare now, my daughter and I will aid you." Her voice was gentle and wise. It was the voice of a queen who took no nonsense from anyone but was a kind soul nonetheless. 

"That won't be necessary, I have what I need and I have no need for your aid seer. You have done enough." I know I stepped out of line saying those words but she is the reason my people now go to war. Her eyes hardened into rubies and she strode forward until she was only a foot away.  

"Listen carefully, child." She spat. "You may have been accepted as queen to the Pures but while in my house you are subjected to my rulings. I will not be insulted by a fresh faced queen such as yourself. Now come along." She turned and began to walk away.

"You are the reason I lead my people into war. Forgive me if I think that is reason enough to dislike a 'queen' your majesty." I sneered back. She whirled around eyes blazing in fury.

" I send my Mate to fight for you in your war!"

"Your mate fights for his people." I challenged back.  

"I may lose him in this war, My Mate! You would not know what that loss would mean!"

"And I go and wage war against my Mate! One I have never met yet I still feel the pull, the need to protect. An instinct I must ignore for the sake of my people! How dare you think your loss too great, you who left all to tremble and despair in the wrath of your husband. You could have done more you could have prevented the curse, a curse that slaughter innocent lives." I realized my voice my getting louder and forced it to lower.

"No, I must now bring a race out of peace, just to right set the balance you destroyed. I must go through life without my mate all because you could not face your husband and now I must face him in battle and cut him down for the safety of my people. No my queen you do not know death or agony and you do not know honor." I swiftly left the room retracing my way back to Lucan, I needed to say my goodbyes and not foul my evening any longer. 

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