Stories and Lost Civilizations

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It has been six hours and counting since Asher and I were led to our quarters and told to stay until their commander called for us.

I was accustomed to rude indignant fools; however Lucan was no longer where I left him nor in my care, and I held no trust for these people. I was becoming agitated and soon my agitation would become fury.

I was pacing the room, a freshly caught tiger just caged; I made no sound as soon my fury began to simmer just beneath the surface. I was in no mood for an ignorant maid’s indignant and arrogant display of false domination over a “cripple”.

“Come now, Mist.” She sneered at me while reaching out to “Lead” me to the throne room. I had refused any assistants for the past five minutes and still she persists.

“Come! I have better thing to do than lead an arrogant, selfish, little brat to my master’s greeting room!” she snapped at me and finally got my upper arm in a bruising vice grip.

My patients snapped.  I grabbed her wrist in a painful hold that would allow me to easily shatter the frail bones. I calmly placed myself in front of her and slightly upped the pressure on her weakening wrist.

“Never speak to an Avenger that way, especially a high ranking loner. We don’t take insubordination lightly, we know our place and you should remember yours.” My voice remained firm and strong even with the white hot ember of fury tumbling fiercely through my veins.

“Avenger, you are a guest in my house. It would be a wise choice to release my Chief Maid.” A deep baritone voice spoke from behind me. Slowly I released the frightened maid and turned to face the man.

“You seem to have forgotten, you are the same as I.” I spoke leveling him with a glare, though it was a bit disconcerting to actually be able to see another being other than the deformed demons and always glowing souls.

“I was freed of my position; you would do best to remember that.” His voice was that of a seasoned leader and held the ice of an elder who speaks with a reckless and dishonorable adolescent.

 “I do not need a lesson on manner nor a threat of placement from you. I have earned my place and I am only striving for my own freedom. Now where is Lucan and Asher I must find the murders and finish my last mission, for this has been drawn out long enough.” I had no patients not the will to stand there any longer without a valuable reason.

I would have thought my outburst would have elicited a harsh response from him; however I was taken aback by the chuckle and slight grin that graced his features.

“Damn, she was right, as always.” He said to himself more than to anyone in the vicinity. “Come child, we have much to discus.”  He turned and beckoned for me to follow at his side. Utterly confused, I did.

“Now my child, what I have to tell you concerns your family and you. However I should start by saying that I have seen much of the world. I have seen places and people and events that not even the wisest of the Elder Oaks can comprehend.”  I stayed silent in rapt attention, for the man held many great secrets, of that I was sure. But some secrets were of my family and those, I feared, were not going to simplify what I was walking into.

“I have seen the world through the eyes of the Pures.” This information took me off guard. Pures? They even existed still? It has been years since they were order eradicated and driven into the deep recesses of the Forsaken Mountains.

“There should not be any Pures even breathing. The last seen or even heard of Pure was…” I trailed off thinking of when I had last heard of such stories.

“Fifteen years ago?” He asked as I had finally calculated the number in my head.

“Yes?” I said utterly confused as to how he would know.

“Mist, do you know the story of why they were killed off?” He asked I knew that this had to do with me somehow.

“I know that a Pure enraged a Prince and the prince sought out revenge. That is the only consistent information on the story I had heard multiple times.” I said honestly. I watched him nod his head in approval.

“Good, good. Then at least the world outside isn’t so foolish. Child I know the true unhindered story. I was there I was a confidante in the times where Avengers were not only used for vengeance, but our uncanny memory and wisdom of the kingdoms. We were always loyal to only Hades, and we never took part in the war for It would be an unjust act and advantage.” I was startled when I felt the heat of the sun simmer over my skin and a cool breeze swiftly following. I had not been paid attention to where we were going and I found us on a terrace of sorts.

He led me to a stone bench and there he proceeded to tell the tale of how and why the Pures were eradicated from this world, or so most of us had thought.     

All Hail The Mist (Prv. Avengers-- Mist) Book IKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat