One of The Greatest Shocks of My Life

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The excitement was almost palpable as the three of us walked closer and close to the land of the Pures. All my questions came back to me in a rush. So many things I wanted to know, so many things I needed to learn. Just that thought along had me picking up my pace, causing the two gentlemen to laugh at my child like enthusiasm.

“Easy now child, they aren’t going anywhere.” The stranger said to me. Just then I felt a buzzing sensation. Instinctively I raised my hand and I felt a small object flew into my hand. The key lay in my hand humming happily. I smile and place it once again on the leather strap and in my shirt where it was safely kept from prying eyes. 

The closer we got to our destination and better I knew where things were. I barely paid any attention to where I was walking for I knew where all of the obstacles were. I thought it strange, until a question or another thought would surface and push it to the back of my mind.

After what seemed like years but in reality was only ten or so minutes we reached an open doorway of sorts, it lead out to a small platform. The sight before me was breath taking. There before us was a valley that was surrounded by miles and miles of flat rock that rose past the clouds and far past where the eye could see. The city below was made from fine rock and timber taken from the dense forest that lined the rock walls. The grass was vibrant and thriving, as were the livestock and people. The city itself rose into the rock wall but not going any higher than about a half a mile up. A river snaked its way through the valley to a lake far off in the distance that was sheltered by a massive mountain. a waterfall made its way from a opening in the mountain near its peak and crashed on to the lakes glassy surface. I looked along the rock walls and noticed seven platforms at mile high intervals. Each had a set of stairs that lead down into the valley. I looked to my right and saw the stairs, and just as I was about to race down them to explore the valley below, I was struck hard by a simple fact. I turned to my companions, finally seeing the stranger’s weathered and slightly wrinkled face, with the brightest sliver eyes that were lined with crow’s feet from years and years of smiling. I whispered the fact that I knew to be true now.

“I can see.”

Both men smiled at me, each having a mischievous glint in their eyes.

“Oh my dear sweet child, if you think that’s shocking then you won’t be able to handle what other news we have for you. 

All Hail The Mist (Prv. Avengers-- Mist) Book IHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin