To the Gate

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My heart pounded in beat with the knocking on the door as I sat up swiftly. That had to be a dream Asher would never do that. Could soul even do that? Could soul fall in love with their Avenger? I ignored my thoughts as I called for whoever was at the door to come in already.

“Good morning, ma’am.” a maid piped as she quickly opened the curtains and told me that breakfast was being served in an hour.

“What time is it?” I asked her before she could disappear.

“It is half past six ma’am.” she spoke before snatching any dirty linens and continuing out to do her other duties. It was early but there was much that needed to be done to day. I got out of bed and found my way to the water pitcher and washed myself before drying and dressing and then waking Lucan who slept quite deeply.  I helped him wash up a bit, dress, and brush down his hair. I just finished taming Lucan’s hair when Asher showed up. I had notice that he was more closed off, and almost never around. However, today he wore an infuriating smirk. Flashes of my dream entered my mind but I quickly shook them off, it was a dream nothing more. Why did that feel like a lie?

“Come now, Mist. Lucan must eat.” Asher said as he passed through the door. holding on to Lucan hand I rolled my eyes yet followed the soul.

Breakfast was close to being the same as dinner, just different food. We sat and ate and socialized. Until The Avenger came up to me and told me that Farah would take care of Lucan while we went to the Gate.  Lucan was quite reluctant to let me go seeing as he didn’t want to be around strangers he didn’t trust. Finally Farah convinced him and promised him she would never leave his side while I was away.

“Lucan, I will come back. I have to find some answers but I will not abandon you. You are mine to care for and I will do so until my dying breath.” I said when I had taken him aside. he hugged me fiercely and held back his little boy tears making a show of being a man and having no tears to spend.

“Lucan, Asher will stay and watch over you. He will be by your side just like Farah will be, and if you’re not comfortable just tell Asher to come and get me and I will come back to you faster than the wind, I promise.” I let him go and sent him off with Farah.


“I know, I know. I already watch over him.” Asher interrupted me, and went after Lucan and Farah.

“Mist, come.” The Avenger spoke and began to lead me away from the castle and out from the city its self. We wandered around a place that felt quite familiar. Then I heard it. 

“We are at the waterfall.” I stated and felt the cool mist settle on my skin.

“ Yes the gate is just a little ways further into the main cave, the river and the waterfall are covers for the pathway that with lead us straight there.” The Avenger spoke and grabbed my upper arm as we began to make our way across the slippery surface of the water rocks. He placed himself between me and the waterfall so I could trail me hand across the rocky face of the cavern.

I didn’t know for how long we trekked, though the roar of the water was now a distance away and the cavern’s temperature continued to drop the deeper we went. I didn’t know how the Avenger made his way through, I could sense my way using the sounds of our boots hitting the damp floor. I felt no heat from a flame, nor swirl of magic. So I was left to ponder how he could manage on the now stone littered floor.  I; however, never did get my answer as we soon stepped upon a place that had my skin crawling. 

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