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I rode hard alongside the mountain range, keeping in mind that Lucan was still with me. The bright spring day was behind me as I rode into the deadened lands of the North; the lands where this malicious King resided.  

I had spent a good part the day trying to gain information on the killers that plague these lands; my assignment. I rode to the small villages that settled on the outskirts of the Deadlands, If being three days ride was even considered outskirts. I went about asking any who would answer. I finally gave in after I heard the same thing over again.

“They kill.”

That is the only answer I could get from them. I became frustrated at the lack of information I was getting. So here I am riding trough the foothills hoping to reach a good shelter before night fell.

“Mist, how much longer until we rest?” Lucan asked

“Just a little longer Lucan hold in there.” Lucan never complained and never asked for us to rest. Asher still stays close but no longer complains as bitterly as before.

“Asher, do you know these lands?” I asked hoping that perhaps we might be getting closer to his village.

“No, these lands are not familiar, yet the smell is.” He said dreamily.

I took a deep breath and was met by the deep rich scent of the earth, the light, crisp scent of the long grass that grew freely, the chilling, cool smell of the jutting mountains and the perfume of the many wild flowers that rebel against the odds. Then it hit me an underlying sent, one so sweet and yet spicy all at once. It was alluring and swift for it was there one second and gone the next making you beg for its return.

I slowed Jumper to a halt and dismounted. Reaching for Lucan I settled him on the ground. This scent set me on edge, I didn’t know what it was but I knew I could not be good.

“Stay close to me Lucan, and do as I say when I say.” I told the small child feeling him nod I searched for the soul that was bonded to me. Only to find him nearly half way up the mountain.

“Asher what are you doing?!” I called to him but he didn’t respond. Then the scent hit me harder and something clicked. Whatever this was it was meant to lure everything to it. I was torn between the two in my care, I could not leave Lucan in this unknown territory yet I could not let anything happen to Asher. Finally I hoisted Lucan on to Jumper.

“Jumper stay with the boy, keep him safe!” I ordered sternly.

“Lucan stay I will return.” And with that I did what I could to reach the endangered soul.      

All Hail The Mist (Prv. Avengers-- Mist) Book IWhere stories live. Discover now